  • 學位論文


An action research of community support network.

指導教授 : 潘英海 顧瑜君


本文研究者想要陪伴學校弱勢學生找到自我價值適性發展、在五味屋學習運用社區力量策展與實踐自我教育信念、為弱勢兒少發聲。企圖透過人類學方法與行動研究,以社區為本找出文化的元素編織社區生態協力網發展助人復古新型態。 在行動研究的歷程,以弱勢兒少為主體累積社會資本編織社區生態協力網,運用雙手掌合作的模式強化家庭、學校、社區三角關係,串聯與整合社區資源發展「由社區照顧」的型態。 最後,針對實務工作者建議發展合作行動研究,透過共同參與、相互討論的方式發展行動策略,同時掌握團隊合作即時補位機制,逐步解決實務工作困境。


This study aims to find the way to develop a new form of mutual help in the community by anthropological methodology and action research, through the exploration of the cultural elements of the community and then constructs an ecological community support network on these grounds. In the study, the researcher accompanied the students who came from the disadvantaged minority to discover their self-value and to develop themselves based on their potential. Meanwhile, the researcher learnt applying the power of community to perform and to practice the idea of the self-education, being a voice for the disadvantaged children and youth. In the process of this action research, the researcher attempted to help the disadvantaged students to accumulate their social capital and thereby constructed a student-centered community support network. The researcher integrated community resources to establish the model of “community care” by using cooperation method to enhance the relationship among the family, school and community. To sum up, this study suggests that the practitioners of community work should develop a cooperative team to set up the action strategy through the process of participating and discussing together, and furthermore operate the mechanism of support each other instantly in order to solve the problems in the practice.


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1997 行動研究方法導論─教師動手做研究,夏林清等譯。台北市:遠流。
Chris Argyris
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