  • 學位論文


Investigating Taiwan construction workers’ work physical exertion data - The study on mud and waterproof work.

指導教授 : 吳獻堂


營建業之工作有其特殊與複雜性,很難將所有工作項目以機具取代,在營建業的施作上,仍有相當大比例的工作項目是以勞力為主要的資源。當工作需求之能量消耗超出個人允許工作負荷時,勞工工作一定時間後即會產生疲勞,若未能給予適當之休息,仍然繼續工作,則勞工身體即容易受到傷害。 營建業有著工作負荷相對於其他產業較重之特性,工作負荷量較大時,持續工作時間容易超出個人可接受工作時間。根據統計我國營建勞工因工作負荷過重與超時工作,而造成身體不適或傷害的狀況層出不窮,勞工在執行可接受工作時間的長短與工作需求能量及個人能量等有關,國內外資料常以耗氧量反映能量的消耗。且不同國家的勞工可能因工作習慣、環境或氣候等因素不同,而造成工作需求耗氧量的差異,由於我國對營建業勞工在作業時之工作耗能的相關資訊相當缺乏,基於維護勞工的健康,落實安排勞工適當的休息,本研究擬進行本國營建勞工作業需求耗氣量之量測,以作為未來在工作中安排適當休息時間之參考。 本研究共找尋到12位受測者參與實驗,在工作現場實地量測營建勞工之心搏率與耗氧量,研究結果顯示,泥作粉刷工作平均心搏率為103.5±12.89(beat/min)、防水修護為98.41±15.89 (beat/min),泥作粉刷平均耗氧量為1.12±0.21 (L/min)、防水修護為0.71±0.25 (L/min),依據國內衛沛文於1999年提出分類標準,台灣營建業泥作粉刷及防水修護勞工作業大多屬於中度至重度體力工作,另外,利用本研究結果與國外資料進行比對,發現台灣營建業勞工工作耗能大於國外勞工的現象。


The construction industry involves certain special and complicated characteristics. It is difficult to replace all work types with machines and tools. In the process of executions, labor force still accounts for a very large percent of the resources to execute related construction works. When the energy consumption based on work requirements exceeds an individual’s bearable workload, labors feel fatigued after a certain period of time. If workers continue working under such circumstance without being allowed proper breaks, their bodies will easily get hurt. The construction industry features heavier workload compared with other industries. Heavier workload easily leads to excessively continuous working hours which may not be acceptable and taken by individuals. According to the related statistics, the workers in the construction industry in Taiwan constantly suffer physical disorders and injuries due to heavy workload and excessive working hours. Workers’ acceptable working hours are related to energy required at work and individual energy. Oxygen consumption is often used to reflect energy consumption in the research proposed in Taiwan and abroad. Factors such as working habits, environment and climate cause differences of oxygen consumption required at work while taking workers from different countries into consideration. The information in connection with workers’ energy consumption at work in the construction industry is quite insufficient in Taiwan. For maintaining good health and carrying out proper breaks for workers, this study aims at measuring oxygen consumption required at work as a reference for arranging proper breaks at work in the future. In this study, 12 objects were invited to take part in the experiment. Heart rate and oxygen consumption of those construction workers were measured at site. The results of the study showed that the average heart rate of workers engaged in concrete and painting works was 103.5±12.89 (beat/min); and water-proof and repair 98.41±15.89 (beat/min). The average oxygen consumption of workers engaged in concrete and painting works was 1.12±0.21 (L/min); and water-proof and repair 0.71±0.25 (L/min). In accordance with the classified standards proposed by Wei Pai Wen in Taiwan in 1999, workers engaged in concrete and painting works as well as water-proof and repair in the construction industry fall into the category of “medium to heavy physical strength”. In addition, it was found that the energy consumption at work by Taiwanese workers was greater than foreign workers after comparing the results obtained in this study with the data presented in other countries.


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