  • 學位論文


The Study of Military Hospital Introducing Nursing Information System on the Acceptance Behavior in Nurses

指導教授 : 張鐵軍


本研究目的主要在探討國軍醫院護理人員個人變項對資訊素養的影響、護理人員資訊素養對護理資訊系統接受度的影響、不同的護理資訊系統導入模式,對國軍醫院護理人員護理的影響。資訊素養包括資訊態度、資訊知識、資訊技能等,資訊系統接受度(包括認知有用性與認知易用性), 本研究以Davis(1989)科技接受模式理論為架構,設計研究模式。個人變項上包括年齡、教育程度、服務年資、職級別、接受資訊系統導入前之護理資訊化系統教育時間,本研究於2010年5~6月收集問卷,問卷對象為98年起實施護理資訊系統導入,區域醫院等級之國軍醫院,實際參與護理資訊系統操作之護理人員共103位,有效問卷76份。結果顯示,護理資訊系統的導入,對於護理人員投注於電腦操作的時間有顯著增加的影響,年齡對資訊態度接近顯著差異之水準。至於教育程度、服務年資、職務別等,在國軍醫院護理人員之資訊素養上並無顯著差異。 資訊素養相關認知有用性,以資訊態度最高、資訊知識次之,資訊技能為低。資訊素養相關認知易用性,以資訊技能最高、資訊知識次之,資訊態度為低,故資訊態度較佳者較能認知資訊之有用性,而資訊技能較佳者,較能認知資訊之易用性。基此,若欲提升使用者對護理資訊系統的接受度,醫院應從強化使用者的資訊知識、資訊態度等資訊素養開始。醫院之護理資訊系統發展現況,對於認知易用性與認知有用性均具相當之影響性。


The object of this study is to explore the effect of the individual variables of nurses at Taiwan’s military hospitals on information literacy, the effect of information literacy of nurses on their acceptance for nursing information system, and the different introduction modes of nursing information system on the nursing by nurses at Taiwan’s military hospitals. Information literacy includes acceptance for information system, such as attitude toward information, knowledge of information and information skills, (the acceptance for information system includes perceived usefulness and perceived usability). In this study, Davis’ (1989) theory of model of acceptance for technology was used as the framework to design the research model. Individual variables include age, education, years of service, ranking, period of education in nursing information system before the information system was introduced. This study collected questionnaires during May and June, 2010, from nurses at regional military hospitals in Taiwan that began to introduce nursing information system in 2009. There were 103 nurses who actually participated in the operation of nursing information system and resulted in 76 valid questionnaires. The results indicated that the introduction of nursing information system affects the operation of computer by nurses in the way that the operation time increased significantly, and that age affects the attitude toward information to an extent of significant difference. But, education, years of service and position type make no significant difference to the information literacy of nurses at military hospitals in Taiwan. The information literacy related conceived usefulness was found to be highest in attitude toward information, followed by knowledge of information and then by information skills. The information literacy related conceived usability was found to be highest in information skills, followed by knowledge of information and then attitude toward information; as such, one who has better attitude toward information perceives more of the usefulness of information, while those with better information skills perceive more of the usability of information. Accordingly, to increase user’s acceptance for nursing information system, the hospitals should start with enhancing the user’s information literacy like knowledge of information and attitude toward information. The development of nursing information system at the hospital has a considerable degree of effect on both the perceived usability and perceived usefulness. Keywords: nursing information system, information literacy, model of acceptance for technology


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