  • 學位論文


Action Research on Life Education Integrated into Career Planning Course for Vocational High School Students

指導教授 : 林楚欣


本研究之主旨在將生命教育之內涵融入高職生涯規劃課程當中,以 教學之歷程、課程成效、成效分析及限制,並綜合研究發現,提出未來實施融入式生命教育課程設計及教學方法的具體建議。 本研究採行動研究法,以中部某私立高中高職部資料處理科一年級一個班,共48名同學為研究參與對象,由研究者親自擔任生命教育課程教學,進行為時十八週融入式課程。運用質性研究資料的蒐集與分析,將教學觀察記錄、課程學習單、訪談、省思扎記等文件資料透過編碼與轉譯,並對教學活動歷程進行反思與詮釋,最後將資料依研究目加以分析整理,得到下列研究結果: 一、在研究實施歷程方面 (一)教學者是生命教育課程的靈魂,除了熟知生命教育理論, 最重要的是具有落實生命教育的態度。 (二)課程設計及實施需以學生為主體,配合學生的特質及學習型 態,並在多元有趣的教法中能引起其學習動機。 二、以性愛與婚姻倫理做為課程內涵實施方面 (一)有助於建立正確的性態度,使學生更審慎思考性行為。 (二)可協助學生發展生命倫理的思考及促進對生命的珍惜。 三、以人格統整與靈性發展做為課程內涵實施方面 (一)協助建立感恩、知足及更積極與正向的生命態度,有助於青 少年自殺的防範。 (二)有助於生涯規劃正向積極態度的養成。 (三)可使情緒更平穩,身心靈逐漸平衡。


This study was designed to integrate life education into vocational high school career planning course and explore the instructional process, effectiveness of the course, and analysis of the effectiveness and constraints of the integration. Besides, based on research findings, suggestions on integrated life education design and instructional methods were also proposed. The action research method was adopted in this study. One first-grade class of the information processing department of a vocational high school in central Taiwan was selected. A total of 48 students participated in the research. The researcher offered the instructions of life education integrated in a career planning course which lasted 18 weeks. Qualitative data was collected and analyzed. The observation records, learning sheets, interview records, journals, and other related documents were all encoded and transcribed, and the instructional process was also contemplated and interpreted. Finally, according to the research objectives, the results were organized to derive the following conclusions: 1. In the implementation process: (1)Teachers are the souls of life education. They need to be familiar with theories of life education and, more importantly, present the attitude of life education. (2)The course should be designed and implemented on the basis of students and in coordination with students’ features and learning styles. Plural and interesting methods should be adopted to induce their learning motivation. 2. Integrating issues associated with sex, love, and marital ethic in the course content: (1)Such integration could facilitate the development of correct attitude toward sex, reminding students to have deeper thinking about sex behaviors. (2)Students could develop their thinking about life ethic and learn to cherish life. 3. Integrating issues associated with personality integration and spiritual development in the course content: (1)Students would be guided to develop a grateful, contented, more active, and positive attitude toward life. Such attitude could help prevent suicide of young adults. (2)Integration of these issues could benefit the cultivation of a positive attitude toward career planning. (3)Integration of these issues could assist students to have more stable emotions. Keywords: life education, integration, vocational high school career planning course


life education integration


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