  • 學位論文


The Study of Controversy in Prototype Lump-sum Contract for Public Construction Projects in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張子修


總價契約是目前營建業常見的施工承攬契約方式,近年由於國際營建材料供給失衡、價格波動劇烈,漲幅已逾工程契約所訂之物價調整之補償範圍,即使承攬廠商蒙受極大損失,大部分機關仍要求廠商依總價契約精神完成履約,然而廠商在不堪虧損的情況下,工程造價爭議由此而生,總價契約面臨前所未有挑戰的局面。 本研究之內容以公共工程定型化總價契約為範疇,蒐集公共工程會爭議申訴調解案例、各級法院判決案例及相關文獻資料,彙整公共工程會調解結果與法院裁判之法律見解及理由,探討公共工程契約之法律關係、法理原則,與契約條件之風險分配,歸納爭議事件類型、分析爭議事件爭點後,提出下列5項較為客觀之結論或符合實際可行之建議,期供未來政府推動公共工程定型化契約之參考,避免不必要之履約爭議的發生。 一、確保標單與契約圖說的一致性 二、建立公平合理的實作數量增減機制 三、主辦機關應負工程契約漏項之風險 四、合理的風險分配原則 五、公平的解釋契約條款


The lump-sum contract has been employed for a long time as one of the most commonly accepted type for the public construction projects in Taiwan. In recently years, due to unbalanced supply and dramatic fluctuating price of construction materials, the resulted increase of construction cost has far exceeded the limits that allow the related administrating government agencies to provide legal compensations as indicated in the lump-sum contract to subside the contractors in order to complete the project in a timing manner. However, even though contractors have suffered a significant loss during carrying out the projects as mentioned above, in many cases the administrating agency still required contractor to complete the project without any compensation to fulfill the duty outlined in the lump-sum contract. Therefore, controversies in construction price/cost very often raised between the agencies and the contractors whose loss was beyond the margin and affordability. The lump-sum contract for the public construction projects thus faced severe difficulties and deadlock in the past about 10 years and the public construction projects delayed and sometimes failed. The objective of the research was to study the nature, content and related consequence of the prototype lump-sum contract which was recently implemented as mandated by the government procurement law to serve as a standard contract type in the hope of resolving the difficulty situations. The research collected related articles and references from controversy arbitration settlements carried out by the government agencies and legal cases determined in courts to study the legal principals, relationships and reasons related to all parties involved in the final resolution of the contract controversies. The research then analyzed and categorized the controversies most commonly encountered in practice into 5 major patterns for future references. As a result, the following are recommended for consideration in the prototype contract to promote more smooth and successful completion for the public projects in Taiwan: (1)Assurance of consistence in construction price/cost described in drawings and related contract documents. (2)Development of impartial mechanism for fair compensations to subside cost increase due to fluctuating market prices of construction materials. (3)The risks resulted from omissions in contract documents should be taken by the agencies issued the documents. (4)Development of generally acceptable principal for fair distribution of the risks and interpretation of contract terms among all parties involved during the construction process.


9.行政院公共工程委員會,「政府採購爭議處理事件案源及問題類型分析」, 2002。


