  • 學位論文


A Study of The Relationship Between Professional Development and Job Satisfaction of Institutional Child Care Provider in Taichung City

指導教授 : 孫扶志


本研究主要探討台中市機構式保母人員之專業發展與工作滿意度關係,並比較不同背景變項之機構式保母人員在專業發展與工作滿意度上之差異,採用問卷調查與半結構式訪談,藉由「機構式保母人員專業發展與工作滿意度調查問卷」,對台中市機構式保母人員共75位進行施測,分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析以及皮爾森積差相關等方法進行結果分析,藉此了解台中市機構式保母人員專業發展與工作滿意度之看法。 本研究有以下研究目的: 一、了解台中市機構式保母人員專業發展與工作滿意度之現況。 二、探討機構式保母人員在不同個人背景變項之專業發展上之差 異。 三、探討機構式保母人員在不同個人背景變項之工作滿意度上之差 異。 四、探究機構式保母人員其專業發展與工作滿意度之關係。 根據研究目的與問題,本研究獲得以下結論: 一、台中市機構式保母人員專業發展之差異情形於「教育背景」方面,非幼兒(幼保)相關科系畢業之機構式保母人員在「專業倫理」上顯著高於幼兒(幼保)相關科系畢業者。「機構總收托人數」方面,收托10人以下之機構式保母人員「專業進修」優於收托11人以上。其餘在「性別」、「年齡」、「年資」、「教育程度」及「月總收入」均未達顯著關係。 二、台中市機構式保母人員工作滿意度之差異情形於「年齡」方面,46歲以上之機構式保母人員,對於「薪資福利」滿意度高於36~40歲;「自我價值」層面則是46歲以上高於21~25歲及26~30歲;組織決策方面,46歲以上高於21~25歲;在整體上,46歲高於21~25歲及36~40歲。「教育程度」方面,高中職(含肄業、畢業)之機構式保母人員「薪資福利」滿意度高於大專院校及研究所以上(含肄業、畢業)。「教育背景」方面,非幼兒(幼保)相關科系畢業之機構式保母人員在「薪資福利」層面,滿意度高於幼兒(幼保)相關科系畢業。「機構總收托人數」,收托11人以上之機構式保母人員對於薪資福利層面,滿意度高於10人以下。其餘「性別」、「年資」及「月總收入」均未達顯著差異。 三、台中市機構式保母人員專業發展與工作滿意度之間呈現非常顯著之正相關(r=.705)。 四、本研究針對政府主管機關、機構主管、保母人員及後續研究者提出相關建議。


Abstract The study is mainly to investigate the relationship between the professional development and job satisfaction of institutional Child Care provider in Taichung, and compare the result of professional development and job satisfaction that could be influence by different provider background. The survey was conducted by using questionnaire such as [The questionnaire for Institutional Child Care provider in professional development and job satisfaction] and semi-structural interview to 75 institutional Child Care personnel in Taichung. The feedbacks were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis in order to understand the viewpoints of institutional Child Care provider in Taichung toward professional development and job satisfaction. The purposes of the study include: 1.Understand the current condition of professional development and job satisfaction of institutional Child Care provider in Taichung 2.Investigate the difference in professional development among institutional Child Care provider that the result could be influence by different personal background 3.Investigate the difference in job satisfaction among institutional Child Care provider influenced by different personal background 4.Analyze the relationship between professional development and job satisfaction Based on the purposes and questions of this research, the conclusions are indicated as follow: 1.The difference in professional development of institutional Child Care provider in Taichung under “Educational background” section indicated that the institution personnel who did not receive formal education in Early Childhood Child Care program showed significant better “professional ethic” than those graduates majoring in Early Childhood Child Care program. In the Total Number of Child Received by an Institution section, those institutions with less than 10 children received showed better in “Professional Training” among their staffs than that of those institutions with more than 11 children received. Other factors such as “Gender”, “Age”, “Seniority”, “Level of education” and “Monthly Income” showed no significant correlation. 2.The difference in job satisfaction of institutional Child Care personnel in Taichung under Age section indicated that institutional Child Care provider at age 46 and above showed greater satisfaction in “Salary and Benefit” than that of those at age 36~40; Age 46 and above also indicated stronger “Self value” than those at age 21~25 and 26~30; Age 46 and above showed better “organizational decision-making “capability than those at age 21~25; Overall, personnel who are at age 46 and above showed better ability in every aspects than those at age 21~25 and 36~40. In “Education Level” section, institutional Child Care personnel who received senior high school education (whether graduated or not) showed greater satisfaction in “Salary and benefit” than those who received university and MBA or above (includes graduates and undergraduates) education. In “Educational Level” section, the institution personnel who did not received formal education in Early Childhood Child-Care program showed greater satisfaction in “Salary and Benefits” than those who received university and MBA or above education (both graduates and undergraduates). In “Educational Background”, the institution personnel who did not receive formal education in Early Childhood Child Care program showed greater satisfaction in “Salary and Benefits” than those who received university and MBA or above education (both graduates and undergraduates). In the “Total Number of Child Received by an Institution” section, the institution personnel who worked in an institution with more than 11 or above children showed greater satisfaction in “Salary and Benefit” than those who worked in an institution with fewer than 10 children received. Other factors such as “Gender”, “Sonority”, and “Monthly Income” showed no significant fluctuation. 3.There is positive correlation (r=.705) between Professional Development and Job Satisfaction for the institutional Child Care provider in Taichung 4.The result of this research is provided as reference for responsible government agencies, institution management, Child Care provider and future researchers.




