  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Environmental Education in Schools, Environmental Attitudes of Parents and Students’ Environmental Literacy

指導教授 : 張鐵軍


隨著人類所處環境因工業化文明破壞而日趨惡化,天候異常所造成的自然災害也與日遽增,因此環境教育已成為當前環境永續發展的重要議題。臺灣自2010年完成環境教育立法後,明訂各級學校推展環境教育之綱要與指標,然而觀察臺灣推動之實際情況,在高中教育中環境教育因非為升學考試之科目,因此環境教育之推動與重視明顯不足,因此本研究將探討高中學生環境素養概況及家長環境支持態度及學校環境教育對高中學生環境素養之態度影響關係。 本研究針對臺中市某私立高中之高中部學生,進行抽樣調查,發出問卷400份,有效樣本295份。研究結果如下:高中生獲取環境資訊的來源主要為網路與電視,多數學生在家中皆會進行垃圾分類,環境素養情況並不差。學校環境教育相較於家長環境支持態度對高中學生之影響效果較佳,因此透過學校環境教育有系統的在課程中教導或舉辦相關活動,在提升學生之環境素養上,特別是透過環境行動技能及環境經驗的相關活動,對提升學生整體環境素養會有更為顯著之效果。


With the continued deterioration of the environment due to the industrialization of civilization, natural disasters caused by climate anomalies has also greatly increased. Therefore, environmental education has become an important issue for environmental sustainability in our current situation. Since the establishment of the Environmental Education Act in 2010, Taiwan has created clear guidelines and policies for schools at all levels to abide by. However, after close observation of the actual implementations of these guidelines and policies, it was observed that because environmental education is not an academic subject directly connected to a high school students’ efforts in preparing for their admissions examinations to the collegiate level, the importance of environmental education and its promotions are greatly undermined. This study is meant to investigate the overview of high school students’ environmental literacy, the attitude of their parents in the support of environmental issues and the relationship between a schools efforts towards environmental education and how it influences their students’ environmental literacy. This study targets a private high school and their high school students in Taichung City as the survey sample. There are 400 surveys were 295 valid surveys. The study results are as stated below. High school students attain their environmental information mainly from the internet and mass televised media. Most students recycle at home so their environmental literacy are usually quite decent. Compared to the friendliness of their parents’ attitude towards the environment, their schools efforts in environmental education has a greater influence on the students. Therefore, by systematically teaching students’ skills in resolving common environmental issues seen in everyday life during class or organizing events related to environmental education by assisting students’ to cultivate a certain belonging with their own surroundings would increase the students’ overall environmental literacy in a more notable sense.


