  • 學位論文


Impact of Self-efficacy on Turnover Intention of Insurance Salesperson:Mediating Effect of Organizational Identification

指導教授 : 徐璧君


在科技發展與社會進步的帶動下,人們對保險的需求逐漸增加,隨著保險商品不斷的創新與銷售通路的多元化,壽業務員面臨激烈的挑戰與競爭,承受的壓力越來越大,離職率也隨之增加。然而因為業務員本身個性不同、生活環境不同,使其對於自我能力的肯定也有所差異,在面對大環境的社會中,保險公司如何透過業務員本身的能力及增強其信念降低離職率成為現在保險公司的重要課題。 本研究以問卷調查方式發出300份問卷,回收282份,扣除無效問卷12份後共有270份有效問卷,運用獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析與迴歸分析等研究方式分析壽險業務員之特性,並檢驗自我效能、組織認同對離職傾向之影響。 研究結果驗證了本文的四個研究假設:(一)壽險業務員自我效能對組織認同有顯著正向影響。(二)壽險業務員組織認同對離職傾向有顯著負向影響。(三)壽險業務員自我效能對離職傾向有顯著負向影響。(四)組織認同在自我效能與離職傾向間具有完全中介效果。另外研究結果也發現:1.年齡在26-35歲的壽險業務員具備較高的自我效能及組織認同。2.學歷在專科及大學的壽險業務員自我效能高於高中職業者。3.進入保險業的時間在一年以下的壽險業務員和首年度佣金收入在30萬以下的壽險業務員對組織的忠誠度較高。4.入行時間在一到兩年的壽險業務員離職傾向高於五年以上者。


Having driven by technological development and social progress, people's demand for insurance is increasing gradually. Yet, with continuous innovation of insurance products and diversification of sales channels, the challenges and competition life insurance sales agents have to face are intensified, the pressure they have to endure is magnified, and as a result their turnover rate is constantly on the rise. However, the way life insurance sales agents evaluate their own ability will surely vary because of different individual personalities and living environment. It is therefore an important issue for life insurance companies, when facing an ever-changing social environment, to reduce the turnover rate of the sales force by making good use of their ability and enhancing their confidence or faith. In this study, 300 questionnaires were issued to life insurance sales agents for survey, with 282 copies returned, and a total of 270 copies valid, after deducting the 12 invalid ones. The collected data were then analyzed by ways of independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, and regression analysis, to analyze the characteristics of the surveyed life insurance sales agents, to examine the influence self-efficacy and organizational identification have on their turnover intention. The results validate the four research hypothesis of this paper:(1) Life insurance sales agents’ self-efficacy has significant positive impact on organizational identification, (2) Life insurance sales agents’ organizational identification has significant negative effects on turnover intention, (3) Life insurance sales agents’ self-efficacy has significant negative effects on turnover intention, and (4) Organizational identification has complete mediating effect between self-efficacy and turnover intention. The study found that differ in three ways. First, life insurance sales agents of different ages and educational backgrounds have significant differences in self-efficacy. Second, life insurance sales agents of different ages, time of entering the industry, and first-year commission (FYC) income have significant differences in organizational identification. Lastly, life insurance sales agents with different time of entering the business have significant differences in turnover intention: 1. Life insurance sales agents aged between 26 to 35 show higher self-efficacy and organizational identification, 2. Life insurance sales agents who graduated from college or university show higher self-efficacy when compared to those graduated from high school or vocational school, 3. Life insurance sales agents who enter the industry less than one year, and whose FYC income are less than 300 thousand demonstrate higher loyalty to the organization, and 4. Life insurance sales agents whose time of entry are between one and two years have higher turnover intention as compared to those with more than five years.


