  • 學位論文


The Impact of Participatory Planning and Design on Place Bonding:Using Fenyuan Township Jioushe Community and Xianxi Township Wenzi Community in Changhua County as Examples

指導教授 : 沈永堂


社區總體營造自民國八十三年發展至今,透過社區民眾的主動參與,讓人民漸漸有了共同體意識。在居民對於社區營造的積極參與下,以及社區規劃師透過「參與式規劃設計」的模式,不僅改善社區生活環境,同時也使社區意識提升,但在爭取資源的過程中,於營造點選擇、僱工購料、後續維護管理等相關問題,導致建設後部分營造點的後續維護及使用度較低,產生社區居民對營造點之地方連結感較弱。因此本研究以彰化縣芬園鄉舊社社區及線西鄉塭仔社區為研究對象,其目的為:  一、瞭解社區幹部、居民、營造點三者之間的相互關係;  二、瞭解社區居民的社區意識及參與式規劃設計為社區帶來的效益; 三、探討社區居民對社區內兩處營造點的地方連結強度,並透過營造點 規劃參與程度,瞭解參與式設計對地方連結之關係,研究結果作為提供 彰化縣社區營造規劃之參考。   研究結果顯示,兩個社區之社區居民在社區意識中,「社區資源運用」得分皆為最低,說明社區居民對於社區組織架構及社區資源的資訊較為薄弱。在地方連結方面,舊社社區內丟丟銅公園高於棋盤公園,其原因為丟丟銅公園提供較大的活動空間,且座落位置接近社區活動中心及廟宇;在塭仔社區中,塭仔公園與101公園地方連結程度較為接近,其原因為兩座公園相鄰較近。   在四座公園地方連結比較結果得知,舊社社區之公園地方連結皆高於塭仔社區,其影響原因為公園「座落位置」及「使用頻率」,經參與式規劃設計對於地方連結多重比較分析顯示,舊社社區居民在公園建設時,「全程參與」的地方連結強度明顯高於「動手協助完成」及「規劃前討論」,塭仔社區之公園建設參與程度可知,社區居民在「動手協助完成」的地方連結程度會高於「規劃前討論」。


Integrated Community Development was first introduced in 1994. As of this date, people, with the active community involvement over the years, have gradually developed a sense of communion. The residents’ participation in the community development activities and the “participatory planning and design” model advocated by the community planners have not only improved the living conditions in the community but also raised the residents’ community awareness. Problems nevertheless emerge in the process of resource acquisition for development projects in the community, especially when it comes to the selection of the project sites, labor employment and material purchase, as well as the post-completion maintenance and management of the projects. The unsolved issues often result in the poor maintenance and low utilization of the community facilities after they are completed, as the residents do not identify with the project as a local community asset. In view of the situation, this study targets two communities, Chiu-She Community in Fen-Yuan Township and Wen-Tzu Community in Hsien-Hsi Township of Changhua County. The objectives of the study include: 1. To gain a better understanding of the inter-relationship of the community executives, residents and development projects. 2. To gain a better understanding of the residents’ sense of community and the benefits of the “participatory planning and design”. 3. To study the residents’ sense of identification with the two development projects in the community; the residents’ extent of participation in the development projects is studied in order to provide an insight into the relationship between the participatory design model and the local community bonding. The results of the study can be used as reference for future community development and planning in Changhua County. The results of the study reveal that, in both communities, the “utilization of the community resources” receives the lowest score from the residents, demonstrating that the information concerning the organizational structure and resources of the community does not receive much attention from the residents. In terms of the local identification with the facilities, the residents of Chiu-She Community are more likely to identify with Diudiudan Park than with Chessboard Park. The reasons behind the difference in attitude are because 1) Diudiudan Park provides larger space for recreation; and 2) the location of the park is adjacent to the community centre as well as a temple. In Wen-Tzu Community, the residents demonstrate similar senses of identification with Wen-Tzu Park and 101 Park because the two parks are in close proximity of each other. A comparison of the residents’ senses of identification with the four local parks shows that the local identification with parks in Chiu-She Community is higher than the attitude demonstrated for the parks in Wen-Tzu Community. The determining factors are the “location” and “utilization frequency” of the parks. A multi-analysis of the participatory planning and design in relation to the local identification concludes that, for the construction of the parks, the Chiu-She Community residents who participated from start to finish of the construction projects demonstrate much higher identification with the facilities than those who only provided assistance to facilitate the completion of the projects or participated in the preliminary discussions about the project planning. By the same token, Wen-Tzu Community residents who provided assistance to facilitate the completion of the park projects show a stronger sense of identification than those who only participated in the preliminary discussions about the project planning.


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