  • 學位論文


A Component-based Software Development in Web Design

指導教授 : 施再繁 李建緯


在資訊快速更新的時代裡,網站已成為網路使用者在生活中最重要的一部分,並且也成為店家或中小企業對外的形象窗口;然而,在網頁開發過程中,網站建置步驟繁瑣、建置網站軟體的介面設計與操作困難、坊間普遍開價建置網頁價格昂貴等問題均有再改善的空間。一般在網頁製作或架設網站時,大都採用模組套件或現有程式拼湊的方式製作,對於非專業網站建置人員而言,要了解熟習網站建置軟體設計介面,各模組套件與現有程式需要耗費大量時間與資源,此外,模組套件與現有程式套用的網頁設計成果及版面配置有時候也不一定滿足使用者需求。為了解決上述的問題,本論文採用以元件式軟體開發為基礎之web設計,提供使用者可便捷地建置客製化網站,並結合所見即所得(What You See Is What You Get;WYSIWYG)之CSS(Cascading Style Sheet)設計與調配版面配置(Layout),以減輕非專業網站建置人員之網站設計與建置之操作複雜度,而環境建置採用LAMP架構,使用XAMPP軟體來建置,藉以降低中小企業在建置專業網站之成本。


元件式軟體開發 CSS LAMP web 設計 XAMPP


Rapid advances in information and technology have rendered web services for user's daily life. Therefore, a website is enterprise image in Internet. However, website in development process is difficult, such as, complicated development procedure, unfriendly designing and processing software interface for development website, expensive price, and so on. Understanding software interface, template module and program function to develop website needs to take a lot of effort for the user whose experience is insufficient in designing and developing website. Besides, the website developed by template module and program function cannot satisfy for entire user requirements. To solve the aforementioned problem, this thesis proposes a component-based software development in web design for that the user can design and develop customization website more convenient and fast. Furthermore, the proposed process combines with CSS (What You See Is What You Get/ WYSIWYG) for web layout. This thesis proposes the build environment using LAMP architecture, using XAMPP software to build. That is, the process proposed in this thesis reduces the complexity of website design and development for the user whose experience is insufficient in designing and developing website.


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