  • 學位論文


A Study of the Decision Support Criteria for Determining the Development Level of Building Information Modeling Applied by Construction Contractors

指導教授 : 周慧瑜


現今國內營建產業開始將BIM導入工程專案,將原本的施工圖逐漸轉型為施工模,但在BIM導入工程專案後,LOD(Level of Development,發展程度)常被錯誤引用來規定各個建築生命週期階段中所建立模型的所有元件,都必須細緻化到相同的程度。 換言之,對施工模發展程度的要求,和承包商實際的模型運用需求之間,仍存在相當程度的落差,且尚未有可供業主據以規範或供承包商進行建模工作範疇規劃及人力配置等基準。 本研究主要目的為研究承包商在公共工程專案中,面臨有限的人力及時間,如何決定最有效率的BIM模型元件發展程度,可具體協助營造廠商在發展BIM建模技術時,得以兼顧施工規劃、施工管理與BIM建模人力調配等需求或者限制條件。透過研究團隊所進行的問卷調查及執行德爾菲法(Delphi Method)等相關分析,進而產出研究成果。德爾菲法是一種兼具量化與質性之整合研究方法,適用於樣本數較小的研究,過程中針對特定議題,透過專家匿名,不斷討論方式,誘導專家以其專業知能、經驗和意見建立一致性的共識,進而提出影響營造廠商建築資訊模型化程度之決策考量因素,包括:施工性、介面/工序整合需求、考量構件真實尺寸的設計檢討需求、業主或合約要求、相似情境的類比問題等,並且建立協助營造廠商決定建築資訊模型化程度之決策輔助模型,探討建築資訊模型化決策如何因應廠商條件及專案特性變化建立彈性調整機制。


The construction industry in Taiwan has recently begun broader implementation of BIM into construction projects, replacing traditional two dimensional construction drawings with three dimensional virtual construction models. However, as BIM implementation becomes more commonplace, the associated concept of Level of Development (LOD) is often mistakenly used as a requirement for which all elements in a model need to be, at certain designated phases of a project lifecycle. This definition of LOD, however, does not align with the actual development process of the model in BIM, nor does it correlate to a contractors’ real-world use of the model throughout a project. Using LOD as a means to designate project phase modeling detail requirements also would not be able to serve as a comprehensive guideline with which owners can rely upon as a platform for BIM projects, and additionally would fail to serve as a dependable basis for contractors to plan the modeling process and manpower allocation. The aim of this study was focused on finding the most logical and efficient approach for contractors of public projects to determine the development level of building information modeling that aids contractors in the progression of modeling expertise in BIM while facing staffing and time constraints, as well as being considerate of important factors such as construction planning, construction management, and BIM expertise allocation. The study utilized a questionnaire research method, followed by analysis using the Delphi method, where both quantitative and qualitative data could be collected and examined, and is suitable for smaller sample sizes. For data collection during the questionnaire and survey process, specific topics relevant to the research objective were presented to participants where, on condition of anonymity, each engaged in discussion with the researcher to provide their professional knowledge, experience, and opinions for each topic. The Delphi method analysis of the results were consolidated to generate a consistent consensus from the participants regarding a number of factors which affect the contractors’ decision-making during the modeling process of BIM projects. The factors include: constructability; construction sequencing coordination; spatial accuracy assessment relating to actual building element dimensions; owner or contractual requirements; and multiple instances of similar conditions. Identification of these factors would aid in providing contractors with a support model for which the development level of BIM can be more feasibly determined, along with examining how to adapt this development level of BIM support criteria to correspond with variables such as project changes or company capabilities and requirements, in an effort to establish flexibility and adaptability.


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1. BIMForum, Level of Development Specification. Version 2015, 2015.
