  • 學位論文


Case Study of Hardware and Software Integration For Sightseeing Recreation Facilities in Nantou,Taiwan

指導教授 : 張子修


近幾年來臺灣地方政府正積極辦理觀光旅遊之硬體基礎建設與軟體推廣行銷,而台灣南投縣氣候溫和,山林茂密,峰高壑深,自然資源相當豐富,也孕育了多樣的森林資源,是台灣最具有潛力也具多樣性的縣份。本研究以南投縣境內所執行觀光遊憩軟硬體建設之「南投太極美地計畫」及「南投茶仙道身心靈新故鄉計畫」為案例,深入了解其生命周期中規劃設計、施工、營運維護及導覽宣傳等觀光遊憩軟硬體整合之內容,進行內容之計畫執行方式、界面整合方式、執行過程經驗及心得、完成之成果及預期之成效、研究探討及優缺點比較。 根據南投縣政府所執行觀光遊憩軟硬體計畫執行成果,本研究提出南投縣大部分觀光遊憩地區之交通運輸缺少、假日交通擁塞、土地取得不易、營運管理人員不足、國際行銷推廣加強、規劃設計施工過程、山坡地及生態保育問題、營運管理方式等之建議改善方式及注意事項,做為後續執行觀光遊憩計畫之參考,使執行南投縣各相關觀光遊憩軟硬體設施整合之建設執行迅速及順利,並提升南投縣觀光基礎設施品質、觀光遊客人次、觀光產值、觀光就業人口及國際友善環境打造國際級觀光遊憩景點。


Recently, Taiwan government is eager to execute the basic promoted infrastructure of sightseeing hardware and software. In Nantou Taiwan, the mild climate, rich forests, steep mountain, deep valley gave birth to a variety forest resources. It would be told that Nantou is the most potential and diverse county in Taiwan. The ‘Nantou Taiji Splendor Land’ and ‘New Nantou Hometown for Body and Soul Related to Tea/Immortal/Taoism’ life circle case study demonstrated the integration of Hardware and software for sightseeing recreation facilities in Nantou Taiwan. The life circle case study includes planning, design, construction, operation maintenance, tour and sightseeing promotion. The content is about planning method, integrated interface, process experience, the comparison of advantage and disadvantage case study between expected result and reality. According to the result of hardware and software integration for sightseeing recreation facilities plan executed by Nantou Taiwan government, the study indicates eight points which should be noted and improved: (1) Lack of transportation in most Nantou sightseeing place (2) Less approach to land acquisition (3) Heavy traffic in holiday (4) Not enough operation management employee (5) Few operation methods (6) Weak international sightseeing marketing promotion (7) Process of organization, design and construction (8) Hillside and conservation issue. Suggestions and precautions are listed as reference for future sightseeing plan in this study case. Under these suggestions and precautions, it would shorten the execution period, improve the quality of Nantou County tourist infrastructure, increase the sightseeing and working population, raise the value of sightseeing, and create friendly world-class tourism and recreation attractions.


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