  • 學位論文

以都市有機固體廢棄物作為基質之 微生物燃料電池產電研究

Electricity Production from Municipal Solid Waste Using Microbial Fuel Cells

指導教授 : 劉敏信, 張清安


都市有機固體廢棄物一直是有吸引力的再生能源之一,主因是其可當作能源使用之固體燃料。本研究主要聚焦於利用微生物燃料電池不同操作條件下,其轉換都市固體廢棄物有機物為能源之潛勢。研究結果顯示,以碳氈/碳氈為陽極/陰極極板配置之雙槽微生物燃料電池,比其它極板配置,有最高之功率密度(1.5與4公升雙槽微生物燃料電池,其最大功率密度分別為20.12與30.47 mW m-2)。大部份雙槽微生物燃料電池(1.5與4公升)比其對應相同條件之單槽微生物燃料電池有較高之最大功率密度。有機都市固體廢棄物以鹼水解預處理及以鐵氰化鉀作為電子接受者,可以使最大功率密達到1817.88 mW m-2 (~0.49% 庫侖效率,介於0.05 – 0.49%)。將個別之1.5與4公升雙槽微生物燃料電池與其串聯與並聯進行實驗,其最大功率密度大小分別為單獨4 L (30.47 mW m-2) > 1.5與4公升串聯 (27.75) > 單獨1.5 L (20.12) > 1.5與4公升並聯(17.04)。都市固體廢棄物微生物燃料電池研究結果,將與其它文獻進行比較與討論。


The organic content of municipal solid waste (MSW) has long been an attractive source of renewable energy, mainly as a solid fuel in waste-to-energy plants. This study focuses on the potential to use microbial fuel cells (MFCs) to convert MSW organics into energy using various operational conditions. The results showed that two-chamber MFCs with carbon felt and carbon felt allocation had a higher maximal power density (PD, 20.12 and 30.47 mW m-2 for 1.5 and 4 L respectively) than those of other electrode plate allocations. Most two-chamber MFCs (1.5 and 4 L) had a higher maximal PD than single-chamber ones with corresponding electrode plate allocations. MSW with alkali hydrolysis pre-treatment and K3Fe(CN)6 as electron acceptor improved the maximal PD to 1817.88 mW m-2 (~0.49% coulomb efficiency, from 0.05 – 0.49%). The maximal PD from experiments using individual 1.5 L and 4 L two-chamber MFCs, and serial and parallel connections of 1.5 and 4 L two-chamber MFCs, was found to be in the order of individual 4 L (30.47 mW m-2) > serial connection of 1.5 and 4 L (27.75) > individual 1.5 L (20.12) > parallel connection of 1.5 and 4 L (17.04) two-chamber MFCs. The PD using MSW MFCs was compared with information in the literature and discussed.


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