  • 學位論文


A Study on the Effect of Instant Messenger Software on Military Work Performance

指導教授 : 陳信帆


隨著智慧型手機、平板電腦盛行並普及化及無線通訊網路科技不斷的進步,國軍部隊組織溝通的方式也不斷的改變中,目前部隊已經採行即時通訊軟體作為非軍事任務上溝通媒介,另鑑於即時通訊軟體在政府及民間企業或個人相當盛行,許多學者對此議題也做過相當多的相關研究,但對於即時通訊軟體的特性,在溝通滿意及個人工作績效方面的影響,卻少有探討。在國軍部隊組織當中,即時通訊軟體是被禁止使用在部隊事務中的,雖然,有些部隊認為即時通訊軟體的使用,不但可以降低組織的成本開銷,還能夠快速的進行溝通,依舊有部隊認為即時通訊軟體會洩漏軍事機密或因長時間使用而影響人員的工作績效。 本研究以即時通訊軟體應用於國軍部隊組織溝通作為研究主題;並以旅(群)級(含)以下人員為研究對象,進一步探討即時通訊軟體的品質,以及部隊人員的溝通滿意與個人工作績效。研究發現,不同使用行為確實會影響個人對即時通訊軟體品質的知覺。另外,部隊人員的工作滿足與工作績效存在著顯著的關係。「個人回饋」、「組織統整」、「媒體品質」、「整體組織展望」、「溝通氣氛」、「水平與非正式溝通」及「與主管溝通」等七個溝通滿足因子皆會影響個人工作績效表現,且其中以「個人回饋」最高,而「與主管溝通」最低。即時通訊軟體會透過本身的「社會臨場感」及「溝通效能」,影響溝通滿足的「組織統整」、「整體組織展望」、「溝通氣氛」及「媒體品質」。


With the smart phones, tablet computers popularization and popularization and wireless communications network technology continues to progress, the national army forces the way of organizational communication is also constantly changing, the current forces have adopted instant messaging software as a non-military communication medium, In view of the fact that instant messenger software is quite popular among government and private enterprises or individuals, many scholars have done quite a lot of research on this topic, but the characteristics of instant messaging software, communication satisfaction and personal work performance are less Have explored. While in the military forces, instant messaging software is banned in military affairs, although some of the forces that the use of instant messaging software, not only can reduce the cost of the organization's cost, but also the ability to quickly communicate, there are still forces that Instant messaging software leaks military secrets or affects performance for long periods of time. In this study, the application of instant messenger software to the communication of the national army forces was taken as the research theme. The following subjects were further investigated in the brigade (group) level. The quality of the instant messenger software, communication satisfaction and personal work Performance. The study found that the different use of behavior does affect the individual's perception of instant messaging software quality. In addition, there is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and job performance. Seven communication satisfaction factors such as "Personal Feedback", "Organizational Integration", "Media Quality", "Overall Organizational Vision", "Communication Climate", "Horizontal and Informal Communication" and "Communication with Supervisor" Work performance, with "personal feedback" being the highest, and "communicating with supervisors" the lowest. The IM software will affect the "Organizational Integrity", "Overall Organizational Vision", "Communication Climate" and "Media Quality" of communication through its "social presence" and "communication effectiveness".


梁榮輝、蘇聖珠及廖泰宏(2008)。國軍志願役士兵工作價值觀、工作滿意度及工作績效關聯性之研究。華人前瞻研究4(2) ,1-23。


