  • 學位論文


The Research on the Mechanism of Insovent Banks Withdrawal

指導教授 : 鄒建中


近年來,政府對於金融改革多採取開放的政策方向,但也造成過度競爭的環境。當金融業出現財務危機形成所謂的問題銀行,對整體社會影響頗大,本篇論文主要以我國銀行法第62條規定為主要核心條文,參考各國現行金融退場機制的經驗,期望提供政府當局日後解決金融機構退場的參考。研究結論主要有五點:(1) 我國政府處理問題銀行的效率仍有待加強,退場機制及配套措施仍不完備。(2) 金融海嘯的衝擊是危機也是轉機,健全銀行設立標準及退場機制必須果決明確。(3) 回歸銀行營運本質故應具備承受風險的能力,問題銀行則不該被過度保護。(4) 穩定金融秩序後再有效強化監理,才可避免銀行或其他金融機構發生危機。(5) 重視問題銀行歷年淨值變化所帶來的警訊,亦可作為一個預防判斷的標準。


問題銀行 退場機制


In recent years, the government adopted the opening policy regarding the financial reform, which caused the excessively competing environment . When the financial industry appears some crisis on forming the so-called insolvent banks, the influence is enormous to the society. The research mainly refers the 62nd article by our country banking law , and deliberates the mechanism experience in other countries. I tend to provide different views for the authority to solve the withdrawal problems in the future. The results of the study are following: (1) The efficiency of the government’ financial reform must be improved , since the withdrawal mechanism is not well-planned. (2) The impact from financial tsunami is not only the crisis but also turning point. For reinforcing the setting of standard and mechanism for banks, the policy must be defirite and clear. (3) Reducing the protection on insolvent bank,as the function of it should be to take risks. (4) The first step should keep the financial order stability ,and then improve the financial control to avoid new crisis in other financial institution. (5) The net value’s change of the insolvent banks in the past is a suitable quota to prevent the crisis from unknown risks.


8、余雪明(2000),〈經營失敗銀行處理的法律分析-從美國銀行破產模式看彰化四信案〉,《台大法學論叢》,第29 卷第4 期,頁62。
20、梁秀芳(2004),金融監理,證交資料,臺灣證券交易所證交資料,第502 期,頁51。
4、李逸川(1999),淺析金融檢查之理論與實務,法令月刊,第50 卷第8 期,頁35。
