  • 學位論文


Application of Assistive Technology on Conceptual Design for Visually Impaired Students

指導教授 : 趙方麟


科技日益進步,輔助科技應用在視障學童上對其生活助益頗大。對視障學童來說,有許多應用值得開發。本研究透過觀察了解視障學童所遇到問題及需求。透過概念設計發想結合現有科技,運用實際案例方式評估輔助科技可介入之方式。 本研究共提出三種概念設計,並驗證其概念之可行性;案例如下: 1. 智慧型手杖:運用近身通訊之前瞻技術進行手杖創新設計,提出可協助視障者方向尋找與道路狀況資訊的方式。 2. RFID鉛筆盒:運用低頻無線射頻技術,透過無線射頻辨識技術協助視障學童快速尋找書本與物件。 3. 氣流導引跳舞:是以風為概念,改善視障學童不想動的意願,運用氣吹觸視障學童身體,透過氣流引導方式達到輔助導引運動的效果。原型實驗中使用磁控氣流開關改變氣流方位,如果使用壓力感測踏墊將可記錄使用之回饋訊息。


Technological advances improve the quality of life considerably, especially for the visually impaired students. The application of technology in the visually impaired students is inadequate. In this study, through the observation, the need of visually impaired students was collected. Concept design was developed through the application of assistive technology. In this study, three conceptual designs were verified as follows: 1. Smart cane: The modern communication technology and intra-body transmission are utilized in innovation design for guidance of walking path to assist the visually impaired persons. 2. RFID pencil box: to use radio frequency identification technology to assist the visually impaired students to find book or items more quickly. 3. Airflow motivated dancing: Distributed flow nozzles generate segmented air flow through computer controlled air compressor. The initial prototype assembled with air compressor and four nozzles with magnetic controlled valve. Foot sensing pads contain weighing sensors underneath the cell plate to detect motion events.


7. 朱耀明,林財世,2005,「淺談RFID無線射頻辨識系統技術」,生活科技教育月刊,三十八卷,第二期,pp.80-81。
8. 行政院衛生署,1997,《身心障礙等級》。
39.Cox, Penny R.; Dykes, Mary K.,2001, “Effective Classroom Adaptations for Students with Visual Impairments” ,Teaching Exceptional Children v.33 no6 ,pp.68-74。
