  • 學位論文


A Study and Design of Composition Element in Tactile Directional Map for Public Area

指導教授 : 梁成一


一般視力正常者在不熟悉的地區時,往往需要一張導引地圖予以協助其做空間定向;在一個新的環境,視障者則需要觸覺導引地圖來幫助。觸覺導引地圖是讓視障者方便明瞭資訊與方向的公共設施,它可協助其在生活環境中的定向與行動。視障者可利用手部觸覺感知來取代視覺傳達,經由觸讀觸覺導引地圖以構成心智地圖,再依循記憶去尋找路線,到達欲前往之所在。 一般導引地圖上有指示性圖示 (包含圖像、文字與符號),超越文字的藩籬,能讓大多數人能理解,且可簡化版面的設計;然而觸覺地圖雖與一般地圖相類似,但增加了點字說明和一些觸覺元素,可是卻鮮少有圖像,這是由於點字和一些觸覺元素的特性使然,因而使得觸覺導引地圖上的資訊密度相對較低,造成觸覺導引地圖缺乏像明眼人導引地圖一樣地設計完善,也沒解釋這麽清楚、更缺少圖像化的設計,若是維持和一般導引地圖相同的資訊密度,則觸摸導引地圖的面積會過大,超出了一般人手部可觸及的範圍,造成了視障者觸讀的不便,這都會使得資訊殘缺及迷失,甚而産生一些不可知的危險狀況。 本研究之目的,在於研究及設計出觸摸導引地圖之觸摸圖像,以解決上列之問題。本研究以實地調查及問卷調查來探討明眼人與視障者之導引地圖的差異性,並分析其優缺點;再以訪談方式來了解視覺障礙者對於公共設施的使用需求,綜合文獻探討及調查的結果以進行觸覺圖像的設計、再加以實驗測試與評估;歸納出觸摸圖像之設計原則,最後製作出模型,進行實地研究測試,結果顯示,依此原則設計的觸摸圖像在提示之下皆可達到85%以上的辨識率。 希望本研究的結果可爲國內公共設施、觸覺圖像和觸覺導引地圖設計規劃視障者的為無障礙空間盡一份心力,且可提供國內外學者相關研究的參考。


In public areas, the directional map helps pedestrians establish mental maps and space orientation. Similarly, in an unfamiliar place the visually impaired also need a map to guide them. The tactile directional map is one such public facility, which familiarizes the visually impaired with the information and direction of the environment. Through the tactile directional map they could create a cognitive map and based on the cognitive map position and orient themselves in order to find the way that leads to their destination. The tactile directional map is similar to regular directional maps in function. Yet, due to the fact that it requires specified Braille explanation and larger tactile elements, the information density on the tactile directional map is relatively lower. Consequently, a tactile directional map is normally not as delicate and not as comprehensive as a regular directional map. The purpose of this study is to examine the appropriate size of various elements on the tactile directional map and to develop a set of design principles in order to create one that better meets the need. It first explores the way the visually impaired use the tactile directional map and inquires about their views and suggestions. The findings indicate the use of guide paths would help the visually impaired find the destination more efficiently. According to the outcomes of the size preference experiment, and anthropometric measurements after map area, a post-improvement map was made. Then the effectiveness of the post-improvement map was compared will that of the old map. It then compares the effectiveness of the post-improvement map and the old map. The result has shown that subjects experienced better efficiency when the tactile element is 0.6mm in height and 2mm in width. The post-improvement map can help the visually impaired reduce identification error and enhance destination-search efficiency. Findings of this study might contribute to the design of tactile directional map, and facilitate barrier-free environment. They also could be served as reference for scholars engaged in related research.


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