  • 學位論文


Analysis of the Relationship among Perceived Playfulness, Team Vision and Team Performance in Virtual Teams: The Mediating Effect of Social Support

指導教授 : 黃淑琴 賴志松


資訊科技的日新月異,促使虛擬團隊發展日趨成熟,透過電腦的中介環境,如何更有效讓異地且互不熟悉的團隊成員有效展現工作成效顯得格外重要。在虛擬的環境下,有關任務的協調都必須藉由科技中介的模式來溝通,缺乏了面對面溝通的熱情,與互不相識的成員共同工作,容易產生衝突與壓力,透過社會支持的中介效果,能有效的幫助成員舒解壓力並解決工作問題。而娛樂中強大的個人內在動機會引導個人做許多嘗試,有助突破僵化的環境適應及問題解決,當受到內在動機的引導時,個人會朝向自我訂定目標,對事物或行為給予自己的意義,並積極投入自己決定的行為或活動,然而娛樂雖然能為工作帶來益處,但若個人目標與工作目標不一致時,也可能產生負面的效果。因此虛擬團隊必須要有共同的目標與願景,讓成員能依循著相同的目標去努力。故本研究主要目的在探討團隊願景與認知娛樂性如何促進團隊成員的社會支持,進而提升團隊績效。   本研究邀請168位來自跨三縣市的三所大學學生參加,由研究團隊依據跨校、跨性別、相同團隊規模進行組隊之隨機分派,共組成42隊虛擬任務團隊,並指派完成兩項專利產品之命名、slogan發想與撰寫提案書作為任務工作,過程需以操作網路創造力決策支援系統「TeamSpirit」以執行任務。研究結果發現:(1)團隊願景對團隊滿意與任務績效有正向影響;(2)認知娛樂性對團隊滿意與任務績效有正向影響;(3)社會支持對團隊滿意與任務績效有正向影響;(4)且在團隊願景對團隊滿意與任務績效影響關係、認知娛樂性對團隊滿意與任務績效影響關係中,社會支持扮演中介變項角色。


The development of high-speed technology have highlighted the issue of virtual teams, through the intermediary environment of computer, how to effectively enable remote and unfamiliar with team members to show the effectiveness of the work is important. In the virtual environment, coordination of the tasks have to be mediated by technology to communicate, the lack of enthusiasm communication in face-to-face, member work which is not acquainted with one another prone to conflict and pressure, through the intermediary effect of social support, it can effectively relieve pressure and solve the problem. And a strong intrinsic motivation of playfulness will guide to make attempts personally, it helpful environment adaptation and problem solving, the individual will towards self-set goals and give the meaning to the thing oneself and actively engaged in. However, although the playfulness brings the profit for the work, but personal goals are inconsistent with the job objective may have a negative effect. Therefore the virtual team must have a vision to enable the members to follow the same goals to work on. The objective of this research was to explore the team vision and perceived playfulness how to promote team member’s social support to enhance team performance.   The research invited 168 participants come from three universities of three counties and cities, the based of cross-school, cross-gender and the same group size were randomly assigned to the team by the research team and composed of 42 virtual teams, the tasks is naming of two patented products and slogan, and write a proposal, the process must operate the network creativity decision support system "TeamSpirit". The results show that (1) Team vision will affect the Team satisfaction and task performance;(2) Perceived playfulness will affect the Team satisfaction and task performance;(3) Social support will affect the Team satisfaction and task performance;(4) and social support has mediating effects on the team vision, team satisfaction and task performance; social support has mediating effects on the perceived playfulness, team satisfaction and task performance.


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