  • 學位論文


Application of Grey Relational Analysis to Taichung City Vocational High School Students’ Accepting Attitude toward Anti-Drug Messages

指導教授 : 龔昶元 陳悅琴


近年來全球使用毒品之年齡層有下降之趨勢,國內之狀況也不例外。政府將這幾年列為反毒作戰年,積極宣導拒絕毒品並加強取締毒品之買賣,不斷投入人力與財力。反毒是公益、為社會造福之事,但相對的似乎沒有考慮到如何進行資源分配或最佳配置的問題。 本研究目的在於探討高中職之在學學生對於行之有年之反毒宣導訊息接受態度之研究,針對台中市所有高中職校之日校在學學生以問卷方式進行調查,共發出368份問卷,回收338份,回收率達91.8%,其中有效問卷為328份,並以變異量分析之獨立樣本檢定及單因子檢定來分析其影響,接著從中隨機抽取30份問卷,以灰關聯方法進行排序與分析,藉以探討青少年學生對於反毒宣導之接受態度,找出最有效之反毒宣導方案,進而讓有限的反毒資源做到最大之效益。 研究結果顯示:高中職校之青少年對於反毒訊息來源部份以學校方面獲得最多之資訊;學生對於反毒活動較偏好明星代言或反毒演唱會此類型之宣導方式,其次為專家講座;台中市高中職校學生對於反毒態度大都呈現正向態度,同時也驗證以少數據為特色的灰色關聯方法可應用於反毒分析,且其有良好的效果。


The recent years saw a decline of age of drug users around the world. The same tendency also exits in our nation. Viewing these years as years of anti-drug battles, our government has invested human and financial resources to proactively advocate rejection of drugs and combat trade of drugs. Anti-drug is a charity work beneficial to the whole society. However, in anti-drug campaigns, optimization of resource allocation is usually neglected. The purpose of this study was to investigate vocational high school students’ accepting attitude toward messages in anti-drug campaigns that have been launched for years. Questionnaires were administered to students in day-time division of all vocational high schools in Taichung City. A total of 368 questionnaires were distributed, and 338 responses were obtained. The response rate was 91.8%. Of these responses, 328 responses were valid. They were later analyzed using independent-sample t-test and one-way ANOVA. Later, 30 responses were extracted at random for grey relational analysis to understand the students’ accepting attitude toward anti-drug campaigns and find the most effective anti-drug project to maximize the effect of the limited anti-drug resources. Results showed: (1) adolescents in vocational high schools obtained most anti-drug information from schools; (2) advocacy by famous stars or anti-drug music concerts were most favored by the students, followed by expert speeches; (3) most of these vocational high school students showed a positive attitude toward anti-drug. It was also validated that grey relational analysis characterized by its ability to analyze with a small amount of statistics could be applied to analyze anti-drug campaigns and demonstrate good results


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