  • 學位論文


On-line Knowledge Diagnosis and Remedial System Using Concept Maps Model:A Case Study of Program Design of Java

指導教授 : 陳怜秀


隨著全球網路科技的進步及電腦使用蓬勃,使得愈來愈多的學習都從網路獲取知識,促使網路教學與學習成為未來主流學習的方式之一。 然而,由目前台灣的非同步之程式設計教學網站亦可明顯的發現兩大現象:第一,網站設計較著重技術層面(如:功能的多寡、資訊的豐富、內容的生動…等),忽略教材內容之編排,以致於產生迷思(misconception)、認知超載(cognitive loading)與知識結構整合的問題;第二,缺乏個別化之教學策略引導學習,使得學習者漫無目的地學習,容易分心或放棄,進而導致學習成效不佳的情況。另外,由目前程式設計之傳統教學可發現於課堂上皆以整體學生為主要考量,較無法針對學生的情況進行個別化教學之現象存在;此外,藉由過去以概念圖模式為基礎之迷思診斷方法中,可發現皆以教師為中心,以致於產生遺漏學生所存在的迷思概念之缺陷。 因此,本研究以概念圖模式為基礎,提出一個新的「迷思診斷方法」與建置一個完整的「線上知識診斷與補救教學系統」,以及進行「試題」改善,以解決傳統教學及非同步網路教學所產生之學習問題,及改善過去迷思診斷方法所產生的缺陷。透過進行實證研究,以探討所提出的「線上知識診斷與補救教學系統」對學生之學習成效與學習滿意度上是否有顯著的差異,最後,根據本研究的實驗結果,我們提出一些建議以作為教師與未來研究者的一個參考依據。


With the popularization of internet and computer are more learners to obtain knowledge using by internet. Therefore, the web-learning instruction (WBI) is the main learning approach in the futures. The asynchronous instruction websites of programming can divide two phenomena in Taiwan:(1) Most of the instruction websites focus on technological aspect (e.g. function multiple, information richness, content vividness and so on). How to design and arrange content of learning material is be neglects for designer. Therefore, when learners use instruction websites, they usually have some problem of misconception, cognitive overload and knowledge organize. (2) Most of the instruction websites are lacked the personalization guide teaching, which will induce learners learning purposeless and learning performance regressive. In addition, the traditional instruction of programming can be found that is focus on the whole students, and it can''t achieve individual instruction. Moreover, we can find that the studies of misconception diagnosis are focus on the teaching mode of teacher center, and therefore they have missed the misconception of learners. Consequently, the research proposes a novel approach of misconception diagnose based on concept map model. The research construct an integrate On-line Knowledge Diagnose System (OKDS) and to improve test questions. The research strives to improve learning problem of traditional instruction and asynchronous instruction websites as well as to improve defect of misconception diagnosis approach by using the OKDS. And further, to investigate the effect of proposed the OKDS on student’s learning performance and learning satisfaction. Finally, according to the research experiment result, we provide some suggestions to direct the teacher and the future researcher for reference.


[24]江淑卿(2001),「概念構圖與圖示對兒童自然科的知識結構、理解能力與學習反應之影響」, 科學教育學刊,第9(1)期,第35-54頁。


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