  • 學位論文


Using Heart Rate to Monitor Construction Worker''s Productivity -A Case Study on form Assembly Work

指導教授 : 鄭道明


隨著科技進步與工商業的高度開發,伴隨著新的機器設備與生產技術不斷的推陳出新,人的工作型態開始面臨改變。在營建業上工作效率是影響工程進度之重大因素,工程進度為生產力重要的一環,在生產力調查的量測方法有:工地效率評估法、抽樣調查方法、短時效率評估法等等,前述方法之調查方式必須採用現場觀測與人工記錄現地工作狀況進行資料收集,評估之方式只能局部觀察未能全面進行評估。本研究擬探討利用勞工工作時之心搏率進行各工作項目之區別的可行性,並以自動量測方式進行心搏率之記錄,以達到生產力調查之自動化與全面化。 本研究共募集12位受測者參與實驗,其平均年齡、身高以及體重為23.1±0.8歲、175.3±6.7公分、78.3±15.8公斤,進行系統模板組立之九項作業項目,分別為搬運鋼筋、搬運木樁、釘釘子、鎖螺絲、放樣、讀圖、溝通、休息-站及休息-坐之心搏率量測與分析。分析結果顯示約可將系統模板作業歸納為高負荷直接工作、低負荷直接工作、間接工作與無工作四大類,其平均心搏率為(1)高負荷直接工作:136±44beat / min;(2)低負荷直接工作:94±31beat / min;(3)間接工作:85±24beat / min;(4)無工作:78±21beat / min。且依假設檢定結果顯示群組間有顯著差別,證明可以利用平均心搏率有效區分高負荷直接工作、低負荷直接工作、間接工作與無工作。


心搏率 系統模板 生產力


As technologies, commerce and industry are highly developed, new equipment, machines and production skills are invented and introduced accordingly. Consequently, people have to face changes in working styles. In the construction industry, work efficiency acts as a major factor influencing construction progress. Construction progress plays an important role in productivity. The methods for measuring productivity are: field rating, work sampling, five-minute rating, etc. On-site observations and manual recording are required to collect data upon executions while adopting the above mentioned methods. Only partial observations instead of comprehensive evaluation can be made by using those methods. This paper aimed at finding out if it was feasible to categorize various works by heart rates upon executions. Automatic measurement of heart rate was made and recorded so as to achieve automatic and comprehensive survey of productivity. 12 subjects were recruited for taking part in the experiments carried out by this study. Their average age, height and weight are 23.1±0.8 yr, 175.3±6.7 cm and 78.3±15.8 kg respectively. The subjects were requested to execute nine types of works in relating to form assembly, including steel bar carrying, wood pile carrying, nailing, screw fastening, sample setout, blue-print reading, communicating, rest-standing and rest-sitting. Heart rate measurement and analysis were made over the above mentioned nine works. The analytical results helped to divide the works of form assembly into high-intensity direct work, low-intensity direct work, indirect work and non-work. The average heart rates are as follows: (1) high-intensity direct work: 136±44beat / min; (2) low-intensity direct work: 94±31beat / min; (3) indirect work: 85±24beat / min; and (4) non-work: 78±21beat / min. According to the results obtained from the hypothesis testing, significant differences were shown among groups. It was proved that the average heart rates could be used to effectively classify high-intensity direct work, low-intensity direct work, indirect work and non-work.


productivity form assembly heart rate


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