  • 學位論文


The Study on the Development Trend of Financial Holding Company in Taiwan

指導教授 : 許光華


我國自90年12月第一家金控公司-華南金控成立後,陸續成立了15家金控公司,而各家金控仍持續尋求合併機會,希望擴大市佔率,取得各項商品與通路,在競爭激烈的市場中擠入領先群雄,以獲得較佳之報酬率與永續經營。若以資產規模來看,國泰金控與兆豐金控資產逾2兆元,屬於大型金控公司,而富邦金控、華南金控、中信金控、第一金控、新光金控與台新金控資產介於9,000多位元至1.6兆元之間,屬於中型金控公司,此八家金控為目前市場領先群。   此外,由於政府積極鼓勵金融機構合併,對金控公司執照的發放有了更為嚴格的管制,促使尚未加入金控的金融機構必須審慎思量因應之道,包括考慮加入現有的金控公司,或是利用策略合作自組虛擬金控,或是選擇權成為小而美的專業金融機構。   無論如何,國內金融業者正處於水深火熱有的激烈競爭之中,市場面臨重新洗牌的渾沌期,但同時對業者亦可說是另一次的成長契機。


Our government continue to establish fifteen financial holdings,the first one is HUA NAN Holdings that formed in December 2001. Today, one of them still tries to merge in order to enlarge its market share, and to acquire commodities and approaches. They expect to be the best ones in complete market for obtain better returns and operate sustainable. Base on the asset scale, Cathay Financial Holdings and Mega Holdings belong to large-sized holdings.(Their assets are more than 2 trillions.) In addition , Fubon holdings, HUA NAN Holdings, Chinatrust Holdings, First Financial Holdings, Shin Kong Financial Holdings and Taishin Holdings belong to middle-sized holdings.( Their assets are between ninety million and 1.6 trillion dollars) The eight holdings also lead now. Furthermore, because the government urges financial institutions to consolidate together, it has a strict control to grant licenses. For this reason, banking institutions that have not entered holdings need to find a way solved, include in joining the existing holdings, using a strategic cooperation to form a virtual holdings, or just being specialized banking institutions. Whatever, our banking institutions are experiencing a furious competition, the market is faced in a new era. It another chance for banking institutions to make progress at the same time.


8. 劉明傑(2001),金融控股公司之策略研究。
13. 金融控股公司之子公司進行共同行銷時之相關規範。
14. 張馥羽,金融控股公司法制問題之研究論文,2001。
16. 陳盈達(2001),金融控股公司架構下金融監理制度之研究。
21. 金融控股公司法,條文第四條。


