  • 學位論文


Reproducing design behavior of social influence

指導教授 : 諸葛正


複製起源於人類(設計者)為因應生活中各項使用上的需求,將器物、印刷、文字思想、教育透過複製途徑等所展開的複製之設計行為。以現今設計的思考角度來解讀過去的複製經驗,並做為其與設計行為相關連性的解析為主要研究重心;而這些解讀的原始觀念來自於希望對現代設計哲學有所回應啟發的期望。 本研究以中國早期文獻資料搜尋與解析整理為中心,期望從這些古文獻中,探討「複製」設計行為在中國人的生活演進史中,所帶來的各種實質影響,以朝向建構傳統中國設計理論為本研究的主要預期目標。本研究即從模仿、複製的過程中,瞭解人類學習模仿大自然,設計為人類創造生活所需器物之因果關係的探求與解析為主要研究目的,並從傳統文化歷史與材料技術的演化過程中全面性的瞭解複製意義的內涵,從中重新解讀設計哲學的成因,同時尋找相關對設計哲學發展有所指針導引的可能性思考,以獲得這些相關設計哲學的未來發展根基,並實際演練操作嘗試。 至於主要的研究目的與內容如下: 1.藉由相關歷史文獻資料的蒐集整理,並歸納彙整解析過去文明發展過程中的設計相關事項與案例,探討其對於複製哲學形成上所造成的影響內容。 2.本研究依設計理念的不同,分別以複製設計的省思議題,探討複製設計行為的社會影響力。 3.探討複製文化對近代設計的影響及意義。 4.實驗設計產出。   當設計教育深刻反映出運用電腦科技後,「仿冒」這個動作便趨向容易,相對的就「仿冒」行為所帶來的影響效果,也會同時形成正反兩極矛盾出現。人類的設計哲學思考能力的培養一直被關注在技術面的教導,並以壯大仿冒或反仿冒能力的同時,常常會發現那其實都是末端的治標,而非根本的治本之法;又由於現代知識產權具有「專有性」的特點,更受到現代智慧財產權的保護,亦不容許被大量流傳與盜用,因而相對的「仿冒」行為的使用就必然更為謹慎,同時亦有防止再製之情形發生。 研究結果則有以下四點: 1.複製與反複製技術產生與智慧財產權的發展與糾纏 當設計教育深刻反映出運用電腦科技後,「模仿」這個動作便趨向容易,相對的就「模仿」行為所帶來的影響效果,也會同時形成正反兩極矛盾出現。人類的設計哲學思考能力的培養一直被關注在技術面的教導,並以壯大仿冒或反仿冒能力的同時,常會發現那其實都是末端的治標,而非根本的治本之法。而現代知識產權具有「專有性」的特點,更受到現代智慧財產權的保護,亦不容許被大量流傳與盜用,相對的「模仿」行為的使用就自然得必須更為謹慎。 2.印刷複製技術中所體現的教育意義 印刷相關複製技術的積極轉變,是人類為追求知識大量傳播所運用的手段,而同時也促進人類加速教育學習的進程,是複製技術發展過程中所能帶來最大正向教育的影響力,而後人也才能依靠這些印刷複製技術所再現的文字知識,完成教育學習的基礎奠定,而這也是複製設計哲學在傳承功能上所能體現的極重要價值。 3.臨摹、模仿、複製再現與創造力的因果關係 現代設計教育在大力提倡「創造」概念培養的同時,其實更應關注的或許是如何將過去的生活歷史經驗轉化再現的能力培養,亦即真正「創造力」的來源掌握。 4.「利益」標準衡量下模仿複製的正負向意義拉扯 「利益」是一種人性,或商業性的思考產物,其實無可厚非,甚至許多設計教育出身的學子,將來都要為其服務,所以也沒有需要推翻此標準的結論出現。而本研究是要適度還原複製設計哲學的整體概念,強調設計哲學的兩面性與進行如何拿捏的議題討論,冀望能對設計教育的未來發展,有些思想上的反省助益。


“Duplication” is originated from human being’s needs to deal with their daily usage. People copy utensils, prints, words, thoughts and even education. My research is to study the previous duplication experience through present designing viewpoint and to find the relations between the behaviors of design. The purpose of my study lies in my expectation and response to the modern design philosophy. This research focuses on the analysis of the early Chinese literal documents and will deal with “the behavior of duplication” in Chinese history. The goal of this research is to study and analyze the cause-effect relation from the process of duplication to human beings’ inventions of daily utensils. Then it will discuss the meaning of duplication from the traditional history background and the evolution of the textile technology. Finally, it will restate the forming of design philosophy, and search for any possible concepts about design philosophy and then I would put that into practice. Main purposes and contents of this research are 1.Collecting and analyzing related historical documents and cases to study the influence of “duplication” 2.Studying the social effects of “duplication” 3.Studying the influence and meaning of “duplication” in modern designing 4.Experiment Because of the modern new technology, computer, it is much easier to copy. Meanwhile, the behavior of duplication also brings positive and negative effects. The design ability is usually focused on the fostering of skills instead on the essence of design itself. Today, knowledge is protected by patent and intellectual property and it is not allowed to be duplicated in large quantity or pirated. The findings are: 1.Technology of duplication and anti-duplication and development of intellectual property protection. After the design education reflects utilization of computer science and technology profoundly, “the imitation” tends to be easier. Relatively the influential effect brought by imitation behavior also simultaneously forms the pro and con bipolar contradictory appearance. Humane design philosophy elaborative faculty''s raise has been paid attention to the technical surface guidance. By expanding counterfeits or anti-counterfeits ability at the same time, it’s terminal taking stopgap measures, but non-basic permanent cure. Because the modern intellectual property has “appropriation” characteristic, been protected by intellectual property rights, and is not allowed to be spread massively with embezzles, relatively “the imitation behavior” should be inevitably more discrete 2.Pedagogical meaning of printing duplication technology The positive transformation of duplication technology is human method to pursue for massive knowledge dissemination, also accelerate to education and study the advancement. Duplication in the technological development process can bring the most greatly positive influence of education. Human beings can rely on duplicative literal knowledge to establish fundament of education and study. It is also the most important value which duplication design philosophy achieve in the inheritance function. 3.Relation among copy, imitation, duplication and creativity While modern design education is promoting “creation” concept with great effort, it should be paid attention to how to cultivate ability of reform and transform historical civil experience, which counts for actual resource of creativity. 4.Dragging force of positive and negative meanings by evaluation of benefit standard. “Benefit” is kinds of human nature, or commercially pondering product. Undisputable many scholars with background of design education in the future will serve for it. There is no need to overthrow such standard conclusion. This research returns to original thorough concept of duplication design philosophy, emphasizes design philosophy''s dual characters with carries on how to act appropriately, and hopefully brings effects and introspection on future development of design education.




