  • 學位論文


Surveys and Analysis of Pesticide Waste Container of Grape and Mango Orchards

指導教授 : 王順成 章日行


台灣農藥使用種類繁多,農藥對環境影響十分複雜,為維護台灣國人之健康及環境之生態,利用間接農藥廢容器收集法調查一般農藥及偽劣農藥之狀況,研究台灣不同農作物農藥使用之狀況,為本研究主要之議題。由農藥廢容器調查結果,可更貼近農民農藥使用之真實情況,資料有利於政府農藥管理及企業對農藥使用之參考。本研究調查針對台灣重要經濟作物葡萄及芒果之農藥廢容器進行,並分析其農藥使用種類及用藥型態。民國104年5月至105年4月採集葡萄園之農藥廢容器共採集23個地區,總樣品數為908件,民國105年5月至106年1月採集芒果園之農藥廢容器共採集28個地區,總數為948件。分析結果可以得知使用於葡萄園之農藥以殺菌劑65.7%最多,其次為殺蟲劑23.1%、除草劑6.6%次之;芒果園農藥使用以殺菌劑41%最多,其次為殺蟲劑32%、除草劑6%、偽藥12%次之。葡萄園偽藥比例少,顯示農民較重視葡萄園管理及配合出口農藥之檢驗政策;農藥廢容器中,葡萄園使用最多之殺菌劑為達滅芬(Dimethomorph),芒果園則是以撲克拉錳(Prochloraz manganese)為主。以不同縣市各別比較之結果,葡萄園調查結果台中地區及彰化地區之防治藥劑及防治對象大致相同;芒果園調查結果顯示台南地區及屏東地區之間所使用之藥劑差異甚小,說明台灣同作物間因縣市不同之差異較小。於本研究芒果偽藥顯示出南部地區所使用偽藥比例較高,政府應加強管理。


農藥廢容器 偽藥 殺蟲劑 殺菌劑 除草劑


To control various pests, farmers of Taiwan used a wide range of pesticides, which can cause complex environmental side effects. This research collects discarded pesticides containers in grape and mango orchards, two high value cash crops in Taiwan, to infer the reality of pesticide used in the orchards of these two fruits. Surveys in grape orchard in Taichung City and Changhua County were carried out dur from May, 2015 to April, 2016 and which collected 908 pesticide waste containers among 23 regions, Those containors that were composed of 65.7% fungicides, 23.1% insecticides and 6.6% herbicides. Surveys in mango orchards in Tainan City and Pintung County were carried during May, 2016 to June, 2017 and obtained 948 containers from 28 regions that were composed of 41% fungicides, 32% insecticides, 6.6% herbicides and 12% counterfeit pesticides. Dimethomorph and Prochloraz manganese were applied mostly in grape and mango orchard, respectively. Pesticides applied in grape orchards in Taichung City were similar to those applied in Changhua County, and so did between mango orchards in Tainan City and Pintung County. That is pest fauna/flora on the same crop was similar among cities/counties. The number of counterfeit pesticide containers indicated grape farmers and retailers in central Taiwan well followed government’s pesticide managing rules, but more concerns should be paid to mango industries.


1. 行政院國家永續發展委員會,「2010永續發展指標評量報告書」,(2011)。
2. 行政院農業委員會,「農業統計年報」,(2015)。
3. 行政院農業委員會,「農藥竟資料查詢」,(2015)。
4. 行政院農業委員會防疫檢疫局,「農藥管理法」,(2015)。
5. 行政院農業委員會農業改良場,「葡萄病蟲害介紹」,(2016)。
