  • 學位論文


Exploring the Design Strategy for Promoting Local Cultural Identity

指導教授 : 李朝金


由於受到全球化趨勢快速擴散的影響下,造成功利主義帶來抄襲仿冒的普遍風氣,使得文化商品也出現過度同質化的發展現象。因此台灣在文化商品的發展上須善加利用獨特的文化條件來突顯其差異價值,以脫離同質產品低價競爭的困境並提高文化商品的競爭力。 基於上述的趨勢,本研究旨在關注地方文化商品的設計策略,希望探討足以企業營造專屬特色以塑造差異化,並提升其產品價值與文化影響力的策略建議。在整體探討架構上分為三個階段。首先係由相關文獻整理出有助於地方文化特色發展的要因;其次透過初步以及深度訪談而逐步探討產業實際操作過程中執行產品差異化的原則。然後整理出設計策略的建議提案,並藉由業界專家的專訪進行可行性之檢驗。最後提出可資促進地方文化特色發展之建議包含 (1)以實用樂趣提升吸引力;(2)資訊易理解與完整呈現;(3)展現品味與獨特優勢;(4)傳遞個人價值;(5)為社會帶入正向影響力等五項設計策略,經業界專家之評價認為應屬相當值得提供地方文化產業之業者以及設計師等人士在從事文化商品開發時的參考。


Due to the influence of rapid globalization, short-termism had become so pervasive that even Taiwanese local cultural products had also appeared too much uniformity from the inclination of imitations among the industry. In order to avoid the fate of price competition among similar products, Taiwanese cultural industry has to make good use of their cultural characteristics to strengthen the differentiation and cultural value in their products, and also improve their competitiveness. For the above reason, this research is aiming at the product design strategy of local cultural industry, in the hope of providing useful suggestions on the design strategies for enhancing product differentiation, competitiveness, and power of cultural influence of local cultural industry in Taiwan. The research was structured into three stages. Firstly, key attributes in the development of local cultural industry were sorted out from literature survey. Secondly, the differentiation strategies implemented in the industry were analyzed through case study on initial interviews and in-depth interviews with industrial practitioners. Thirdly, proposed suggestions were made and verified in further interviews with experts from the industry. Finally, five strategic suggestions were made, they were: (1) enhancing attractiveness with entertaining designs; (2) presenting cultural character in comprehensive and conceivable manner; (3) exhibiting the excellence of unique design taste; (4) expressing personal values accurately; (5) demonstrating positive impacts on the society. They were taken as useful in product developments by experts from local cultural industry


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