  • 學位論文


Analytical Hierarchy Process of Enhancing Resource Recycling in Nantou Elementary School

指導教授 : 王文裕


台灣地狹人稠天然資源相對匱乏,經濟發展也伴隨廢棄物、垃圾量激增,因此推動資源回收再利用教育是環境永續的重要基礎。本研究主要應用AHP理論,進行專家學者、國教輔導團、學校行政人員、國小教師等專家對推動資源回收再利用教育準則之重要性評估,經分析整理找出一致性之共同觀點,希望提供學校、教師、社區及環保單位在推動國小資源回收再利用教育時之參考。 本研究之分析結果顯示,五項分項目標層中,整體專家認為重要性的排序為:「執行方法」(權重0.372)、「教學支援」(權重0.189)、「行政與政策」(權重0.177 )、「設備與資源」(權重0.156)、「社區配合」(權重0.106)。20項決策要素中整體專家權重前5項準則依序為:「落實校園源頭減量、禁用免洗餐具、瓶裝水、杯水」(權重0.149),「將資源回收再利用納入生活教育重點」(權重0.097),「經常且定期集中各班級資源回收物」(權重0.0769),「教職員生落實各項資源回收再利用政策」(權重0.0747),「學校網站連結資源回收再利用多媒體素材方便老師下載使用」(權重0.0680)。 本研究依據分析結果,分別對對學校、教師、社區及環保單位提出如下之建議。對學校的主要建議:誠徵學校環保志工,成立親子環保志工組織,親師生合力落實資源回收工作。對教師的主要建議:教師組織資源回收再利用學習社群,發展多媒體教材,並將教材應用於環保教學上。對社區的主要建議:各村里利用大型活動加強宣導資源回收再利用觀念,並設立便民之資源回收站,建立具特色的資源回收學區。對環保單位的主要建議:提供便利且多元的資源回收管道,讓學校及社區便利作資源回收。 關鍵字:資源回收、再利用、層級分析法。


Taiwan land is small. There is dense population and scarce natural resources relatively. Economic development is accompanied by a vast amount of trash. For environmental sustainability, it is an important basis that promotes resource recycling education. This study applied AHP theory and conducted questionnaires survey to those environment-related experts, compulsory education advisory group, school staffs, elementary school teachers and other experts. For Nantou elementary school teachers promoting the education related with the resource recycling and reuse, we want to find a general view of the weight of criteria. That serves as a reference for the schools, teachers, community and environmental administrations. The results of this study are as follows: Regarding the hierarchy of 5 sub-objectives, on the whole, the most important criteria are in the order as follows: "execution method"(weight 0.372), "teaching support"(weight 0.189), "administration and policy" (weight 0.177), "facilities and resources"(weight 0.156), "community support"(weight 0.106). In 20 decision-making criteria, the top five criteria of the weight are order as follows :"Implementation of the school source reduction, disable disposable utensils, bottled water, glasses of water" (weight 0.149),"Recycling of resources into the focus of the life education" (weight 0.097),"To gather the recyclable materials of classes frequently and regularly" (weight 0.0769),"Each member of the school implements recycling and reuse policy" (weight 0.0747),"Website links to resources, recycling materials to facilitate teachers using multimedia download" (weight 0.0680). The following are some recommendations of this study: To the schools: Wanted school environmental volunteer, volunteer organization established parent-child environment, pro-teachers and students together to implement the recycling work. To the teachers: teacher’s organization learning community recycling and reuse, the development of multimedia teaching materials and teaching materials used in environmental protection. To the community: the use of village resources in large-scale activities to be widely publicized the concept of recycling and convenience of the recycling station set up to establish a unique resource recovery school district. To environmental administrations: to facilitate recycling and diverse ways, which makes the recycling work of schools and community more convenient.


AHP recycling reuse


王秀紋,「推動國民小學能源教育之層級分析—以南投縣為例」,碩士 論文,朝陽科技大學環境工程與管理系,2009。
