  • 學位論文


Applicability of Key Indicator Method for Preventing Musculoskeletal Disorders in Taiwan''s Industries

指導教授 : 李正隆 陳協慶


人因工程方面的防制措施,通常需要工具來協助調查人員辨識危險因子,以降低與工作有關的肌肉骨骼疾病(WMSDs)的風險。勞委會勞工安全衛生研究所(IOSH)在2008-2009年期間,針對台灣產業實施肌肉骨骼傷害的防制計畫,並對此計畫所收集的人因工程方面的數據,使用關鍵指標法(key indicator method, KIM)進行改善評估。這些數據係由10名人因工程方面的專家學者訪視102家公司後,所提出的379項改善建議案。 本研究使用關鍵指標法針對每一項作業進行評估,分析該作業於建議改善前後人因工程方面的風險值及風險等級。由統計結果顯示,關鍵指標法適用於佔所有作業77%比例的人工物料搬運之作業。但由於這些人工物料搬運之作業中大約有三分之二忽略「期間/頻率/距離」(97%)、「載重」(36%)、「姿勢」(2%)和「工作環境」(1%)的評估數據,故無法使用關鍵指標法來評估。只有98件訪視作業有完整的評估數據可使用。這些提供完整資訊的作業,使用關鍵指標法建議進行改善後都沒有增加風險值,其中73件作業(74.5%)建議改善後降低「風險等級」。整體分析結果,所有專家學者的經驗與改善方向和關鍵指標法評分精神相吻合。這表示,關鍵指標法適用於台灣製造業的工作現場評估人體的工作負荷。 關鍵字:體力工作負荷、肌肉骨骼傷害、人因工程介入(改善)


Ergonomic interventions to reduce risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) typically require tools to help investigators identify ergonomic risk factors. This study evaluates the applicability of key indicator method (KIM) tools to Taiwan industries using ergonomics data collected by a project conducted by the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), Taiwan, during 2008–2009. The dataset includes inspection reports and advice for 379 tasks for 102 companies conducted by 10 ergonomists. Risk score and risk level of each task before and after suggested ergonomic changes were evaluated using the KIM. Statistical results show that 77% of all tasks were associated with manual load handling, to which the KIM is applicable. Unfortunately, about two-thirds of these tasks were not evaluated by KIM due to missing rating data for “time” (97%), “load” (36%), “posture” (2%), and “environment” (1%). Only 98 inspection tasks with complete rating data were assessed. Among these tasks, none had an increased risk score after a suggested amendment and 73 cases (74.5%) had a reduced risk level according to ranges of risk scores by the KIM. The overall analytical result suggests a good agreement between inspector experience and the KIM scoring system. This study demonstrates that the KIM tools are appropriate for Taiwan’s manufacturing industry for onsite screening physical workloads. Keywords: physical workload, musculoskeletal disorders, ergonomic intervention


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