  • 學位論文


A Study on Relationship between Authenticity Experiential and Subjective Life Quality─The case of Bed and Breakfast (B&B)Leisure Behavior

指導教授 : 徐茂練


經濟的快速成長,國民所得的提高,社會型態的轉變之下,人們對於休閒生活及休閒型態之要求越來越高。休閒的主要動機之一是促進個人的身心健康,休閒體驗對於生活品質的提升扮演相當重要之角色,休閒動機如何影響主觀生活品質是一個值得探討的議題。基於體驗經濟的演進以及消費者尋求個人風格的特性,使得真實性的體驗成為休閒體驗的重要變數。本研究以民宿休閒為例,了解休閒動機、真實體驗、休閒滿意度與生活品質之間的關係。資料蒐集以最近六個月內曾經有過民宿休閒經驗之消費者為研究對象,問卷發放對象選定2010年10月至2011年3月間之消費者,回收問卷260份,有效樣本計有252份。資料分析的結果得出四項結論: 1.消費者之休閒動機正向影響到消費者在進行休閒活動時的原真體驗。 2.消費者之原真體驗會正向影響休閒滿意度。 3.消費者之原真體驗會正向影響主觀生活品質。 4.消費者之休閒滿意度會正向影響主觀生活品質。 本研究將針對上述結論討論其管理意涵,同時對於實務應用上提供具體的建議。


Due to high speed economic development and growth of GDP, the contents and styles of people leisure are changing. One of an important leisure motivation is to improve people’s physical and mental health. Leisure experience is an important factor for life quality improvement. How the leisure motivation can influence the quality of life is an important issue. Owing to the trends of experiential economy and the importance of life style, authenticity experience becomes an important variable in leisure. This study adopts authenticity experience as major factor to investigate the relationship among leisure motivation, authenticity experience, leisure satisfaction and quality of life. Data are collected from consumers who have bed and breakfast (B&B) leisure experience within 6 months ranging from October 2010 to March 2011. 260 questionnaires are returned and 252 are the total valid samples. The results of data analysis draw four following conclusions: 1.Consumer’s leisure motivations significantly affect his or her authenticity experience during leisure activities. 2.Consumer’s authenticity experiences significantly affect his or her leisure satisfaction. 3.Consumer’s authenticity experiences significantly affect his or her subject life quality. 4.Consumer’s leisure satisfaction significantly affects his or her subject life quality. Based on this conclusion, the managerial implications are discussed and some useful suggestions are provided for practice.


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