  • 學位論文


The Research on Efficiency of International Tourist Hotels of The Two-Day-Off-Per-Week-Case study of Hualian area and scenic area.

指導教授 : 朱瑞淵 黃志成 陳宗玄


中文摘要 我國於民國89年開始施行週休二日,使得國人休閒旅遊風氣逐漸盛行。本研究以觀光局發行之民國85年至98年台灣地區國際觀光旅館營業分析報告作為研究資料,實證對象為花蓮地區與風景區國際觀光旅館,採用資料包絡分析法,探討週休二日前後國際光觀旅館經營效率之變動情形。 研究結果發現,民國85至93年花蓮地區與風景區國際觀光旅館經營效率的平均技術效率值均高於0.9,94年至98年之平均技術效率值均低於0.9,其中97年度0.87之平均技術效率值為最低,顯示週休二日後經營效率逐漸下滑。花蓮地區國際觀光旅館的營收高點出現在民國93年,營業收入是15.8億元,94年之後營收逐漸減少,而風景區國際觀光旅館在88年的營收為24億元, 98年營業收入為22.8億元,營業收入逐年減少。就整體營業總收入觀察結果得知,國際觀光旅館在週休二日實施後並未能達到更高的營運績效,表示其經營效率不佳,顯示週休二日施行後,並未能帶給國際觀光旅館預期的經濟效益。 【關鍵字】國際觀光旅館、經營效率、資料包絡分析法


Abstract 2000 began to implement a two-day weekend in Taiwan, making people increasingly popular leisure culture. In this study, the Tourism Bureau of the Republic issued, from 1996 to 2009 international tourist hotels in Taiwan as a research analysis of business data. Case study of Hualian area and scenic area of international tourist hotels. The research on efficiency of international tourist hotels of the two-day-off-per-week, by using DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis). The results of study revealed, from 1996 to 2004 in the Hualian area and scenic area of international tourist hotels on efficiency than average technical efficiency 0.9, from 2005 to 2009 on efficiency than average technical efficiency values are lower than 0.9. Then 2008 than average technical efficiency value of 0.87 minimum, showing a gradual decline in operating efficiency after a two-day weekend. International tourist hotels in the Hualien area in 2004, operating income was 15.8 billion yuan, in 2005 after the revenue is decreasing. Scenic area of international tourist hotels in 1999 revenue of $ 2.4 billion, operating income in 2009 was 22.8 billion, operating income decreased year by year. The overall observation that total operating income, international tourist hotels in the implementation of two-day weekend and failed to achieve a higher operating performance, poor operational efficiency, said the show after the implementation of two-day weekend, and failed to bring international tourism hotels expected economic benefits. Keyword:International Tourist Hotels, Operating Efficiency, Data Envelopment Analysis


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