  • 學位論文


The Evaluation of Tadao Ando’s Architecture from the Standpoint of Place-form Concept

指導教授 : 趙重生




The recovery of the place-form concept is one of the environmental issues of human habitat. This concept is not formed overnight, but is gradually developed from the ancient past to the present of human history. It is among the precious legacies of the species, and has been a rich and sound ecological environmental protection thought since time immemorial. It is present in the fields of mythology, religion, philosophy and architecture. In order to analyze comprehensively the place-form concept, this study induce the following six motifs, that is, the harmonious Weltanschauung, the original meaning of form in the place-form concept, the temporal aspect of place, the physical characteristics of place, the boundaries of place and the cosmic renewal ritual. Then, the place-form concept is interpreted, analyzed from the standpoints of the above six motifs. And finally the theory that the place-form concept had a positive influence upon Tadao Ando’s architecture is verified through the careful examination of Tadao Ando’s residential, cultural and religious architectural examples.


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