  • 學位論文


Simulation Study of Water Purification on Pavement Engineering by Applying Pervious Concrete

指導教授 : 李明君


透水混凝土是一種特殊型式的多孔混凝土,具有高透水性、多孔隙性與表面粗糙的特點。運用於鋪面時,美國環保署(EPA)認為適當使用透水混凝土是控制初始急流污染及暴雨管理的最佳方式,因透水混凝土內部含有大量的孔洞,可以儲蓄水分,且可以加強地表與空氣的熱量與水分交換,降低地表溫度,達到減低熱島效應的功效;另外最近美國ACI 522R-06報告中提到透水混凝土可以應用在港灣工程,但國內外對於透水混凝土運用在水文保護區保持水文淨化現象與材料本身的去除離子以及污染物變化特性的相關資料缺乏,所以本研究針對透水混凝土鋪面系統進行模擬試驗。 在試驗中發現透水混凝土鋪面系統試體在雨水貯留、海水淡化、廢水回收和油污染物皆有顯著改善效果: (1)雨水貯留(淨化):一般水通過透水混凝土鋪面系統之後,可降低其含泥量至1.7%以下,即雨水淨化能力達98%以上。 (2)海水淡化(鹽度降低):海水(含鹽量3.5%)通過透水混凝土鋪面系統之後,可降低其含鹽量至0.35%以下,即去鹽能力達90%以上。 (3)廢水回收(pH值酸性至中性):稀釋硫酸溶液(pH值2.0)通過透水混凝土鋪面系統之後,可大幅提升其pH值至6.22以上。 (4)油污染物(鎖住油污):當油污通過透水混凝土鋪面系統之後, 其油污含廢機油量約在1%左右。


The Environmental Pro Agency (EPA) has adopted a policy that recommends the use of pervious pavements as a part of their Best Management Practice (BMP) as a way for communities to mitigate the problem of stormwater runoff. Pervious concrete pavements have also been selected as an integral solution to the problem of hot pavements in Cool Communities program. Generally, the air temperature over pervious concrete parking lots is cooler than the temperature over asphalt parking lots. Because of its light color, pervious concrete also reduces the “heat island” effect and reduces night time lighting needs. In addition, the ACI522R-06 report provides technical information on pervious concrete’s application at harbor engineering. The hydrological performance of pervious concrete is usually a key parameter in decisions to use this material for storm water management and is usually the characteristic of most interest to maintain water purification, therefore, this study conducted a simulation test of pervious pavement system. Pervious concrete pavement specimens in the water, desalination, wastewater recycling and oil pollutants showed significant improvement during the test: (1)After the rainwater passed through the pervious concrete pavement system, it could reduce the level of pollution contained in runoff. (2)After the seawater passed through the pervious concrete pavement system, the seawater decreased the level of salt content. (3)After the diluted sulfuric acid solution (pH = 2.0) passed through the pervious concrete pavement system, the solution increased the level of pH value. (4)When the waste oil passed through the pervious concrete pavement system, the pavement collected waste oil and reduced pollutants.


【3】邱永芳、張道光、李明君、顏聰、邱垂德,「透水混凝土應用於交通工程之研究(2/2) 」,交通部運輸研究所研究計畫成果報告(計畫主持人李明君),MOTC-IOT-96-H1DB004,2007。
【13】Lin, T.P., Ho, Y.F., “Seasonal effect of pavement on outdoor thermal environments in subtropical Taiwan”, Building and Environment, Vol. 42, pp. 4124-4131, 2007.
【22】Portland Cement Association, Pervious Concrete Pavements, 2004.


