  • 學位論文


Multiple Principle-Agent and Independence of Outside Director

指導教授 : 陳俊宏




賽局 獨立性 外部董事 代理問題


Considering that board of directors to reduce the agency problem is efficiency measurement indicators. Therefore, in this paper analyze the settings of the external board of directors. The first, it will reduce the possibility of agency problems. The second, internal directors emptied of assets, the theoretical analysis of whether to execute the supervision of outside directors. In this paper, conclusions can be summarized as follows:The first, as the non-independence of outside directors did not exercise an oversight and only have to give principal a control of reward. Therefore, the outside directors is avoid to principal have self-serving motives in hollowed assets or agent problem, the outside directors will set the incentive contract or incentive compensation to indirect control of the principal, principal with the interests of shareholders consistent, and enhance corporate performance. Second, when principal set the agent''s basic salary system, we have got three different results. Third, under the supervision of independent outside directors, inside directors engaged in hollowed assets, will consider their own profits and the impact of legal sanctions, and then decide to emptied assets. Fourth, under the strict supervision of outside directors, inside directors may be self-serving motives and agents of interest arising from collusion. Due to inside directors is based on legal sanctions, inside directors will be based on the agent collusion and collusion, the outside directors found that the size of the probability of and hollowed assets.


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