  • 學位論文


Case study of Suburban Development Using Nan-Jang Community in Wu-Chi,Taichung

指導教授 : 張子修


本研究旨在探討如何從自然環境面、人文社會面、以及產業文化面等三大面向,來彙整社區發展特色,並研提社區特色發展對策重點。本研究以台中梧棲南簡社區為案例研究,先以文獻回顧輔以現況分析的方式,研究目前社區發展所面臨的問題,再以設計訪談大綱進行深度訪談,最後經由歸納分析及驗證,提出社區發展實務應用建議。 研究結果顯示深化南簡社區之生態環保與文化薈萃形象,此發展對社區而言具正向之影響,善用(人、文、地、產、景)資源,打造地方特色,發展地方觀光、生態社區,打造具在地文化代表性的社區新風貌。 南簡社區特色發展對策重點應透過社區聚會的方式討論未來願景,以尋求社區整體發展規劃的方案,藉此凝聚社區居民向心力,同時發展具在地性的特有文化與多元體驗,以及有機農業的社區產業,創造農產品的附加價值,打造特有的社區新風貌。


Urban development management has been an important public affair including planning, design, construction and information sharing of public development facilities by the local residents in a community. In addition, motivation, inspiration, and consensus among all the residents are critical for a complete and successful development project to not only meet basic needs but also significantly upgrade the living standard and quality of the residents in the community. The research was conducted based on a case study of Nan-Jang community in Wu Chi, Taichung, Taiwan, for which the related community development data and articles were collected and analyzed to identify the major issues in the community development plan and improvement tactics. Several selected professionals with strong connection with local development management were identified and interviewed to obtain the first-hand field information and opinion for the study area. Results of the study indicate that environmental protection and human cultural heritage are the most important elements in the urban development management which requires effective utilization of local resources and involvements in terms of people, literature, geography, enterprise, and scenic of the studied community. In the study, community development management was carried out to formulate the consensus, planning and action for the local development projects as well as to obtain proper solution and improvement tactics to help seek appropriate resources and means for better urban development management of the community with local characteristics and uniqueness, among which organic planting and extra values of the agricultural products can be a significant benefit resulting from the community development activities in the Nan-Jang community.


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