  • 學位論文


Impact of Perceived Value on Consumers’ Purchase Intention: A Case of Skin-care Product

指導教授 : 陳信帆 李延熹


近年來,由於都市工業化所產生的空氣汙染對人體皮膚的傷害,以及美容產業對於肌膚保養議題資訊的迅速流通,人們越來越注重且瞭解皮膚清潔保養的重要性,對於相關產品的需求也相對性增加,使得保養品逐漸成為全球化妝品市場的主流及主力商品。其中,亞太地區約佔全球保養品市場的40%,為目前最大的市場。保養品已經成為人們日常生活必需品,也在化妝品產業裡占有一席之地。先前許多研究大多只廣泛的探討化妝產品,但如今保養品在化妝品市場已具有舉足輕重的地位,在在顯示其市場仍具有潛力和未來性。保養品的消費族群涵蓋了男性、女性、以及各個年齡層。大學生是保養品市場最大的主要消費族群之一。而廠商在推出產品時,同時會謀定行銷策略,所以需要瞭解不同族群間(例如:性別、不同收入、以及每年在保養品上不同的消費支出)的差異性或偏好的不同。此外,製造商與零售商也可以藉由瞭解大學生的需求和意見來建立其品牌的忠誠度和偏好,使他們成為特地品牌潛在的目標消費族群。因此,本研究以大學生為主要的受試者。 在產品不斷推陳出新且具有高度競爭性的保養品市場,廠商必須先瞭解消費者購買的決策方式以及尋找可能影響購買意願的因素有哪些,進而創造不同的行銷策略來增強產品在市場上的競爭力。知覺價值被視為會同時影響消費者購買意願和產品銷售額的關鍵要素。因此,本研究主要目的在於研究知覺價值對顧客購買意願的影響,並採用Sweeney and Soutar (2001),所提出的量表來探討知覺價值對購買意願的影響,以便利取樣的方式,取得640位大學生參與填寫問卷,回收有效問卷為619份。 在資料分析方面,採用結構方程式來分析知覺價值對於購買意願的影響。結果顯示在知覺價值方面,其所包含的四個構面(價格、品質、情感、以及社交)在顧客的購買意願上都具有明顯的影響。另外,透過變異數分析(ANOVA)來探討知覺價值和受試者的基本資料(例如:性別、收入、每年在保養品上的消費支出)之間的關係,結果發現知覺價值和性別、收入、每年在保養品上的消費支出上,皆具有顯著差異。本研究結論建議製造商可以藉由強調價格、產品品質、香味、包裝、以及產品設計,建立有效的行銷策略,進而可以增強顧客的知覺價值並提高顧客的購買意願。


保養品 購買意願 知覺價值


Skin-care products are the most popular products and have become the main stream in the global cosmetic industry. The Asia Pacific Zone is the biggest market (about 40% in the global skin-care product market). Skin-care products are a necessity in our daily life and one of the major markets in cosmetics industry. However, most of previous researches generally discussed cosmetics, but skin-care products have become the major products in cosmetic market, so skin-care product markets still have potentiality and futurity. The consumer groups of skin-care products include female, male and different ages. Undergraduate students were chosen as major participants in this study because they are one of the biggest target consumer groups in skin-care product market. Besides it is also helpful to understand whether there are any differences between factors, such as different gender, income and annual expenditures on skin-care products. Moreover, manufacturers and retailers can develop undergraduate students’ brand loyalty and preference and make them become the target consumer of specific brand by understanding their needs and opinions. In a competitive skin-care product market, retailers have to understand consumer’s buying decision-making process to enhance their competitiveness. Perceived value is considered a key factor to affecting consumers’ willingness to purchase and influence market sales, too. Therefore, the study aimed to investigate perceived value, and its influence on consumers’ purchase intention. The multiple item scale, developed by Sweeney and Soutar (2001), was adopted to find out the impact of perceived value on purchase intention. Six hundred and forty undergraduate students were recruited by convenience sampling method to participate in and fill out the questionnaire. The valid questionnaires were six hundred and nineteen. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed to examine the effect of perceived value on purchase intention. The finding revealed that all four dimensions of perceived value have significant impacts on consumers’ purchase intentions. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to understand the relationship between the demographics (gender, income and annual expenditure on skin-care products) of the sample and perceived value. The results showed that there were significant differences between demographics (gender, income and annual expenditure on skin-care products) and perceived value. This study suggests that manufacturers can develop effective marketing strategies by emphasizing price, quality of product, fragrances, packages, and designs of product to enhance consumers’ perceived value to increase their purchase intentions.


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