  • 學位論文


Establish the standard operating procedures of river water division -a case study of Sichong River

指導教授 : 莊順興


目前台灣地區河川中,中央管者24水系,縣市管者92水系。中央管部分大都前經於民國70年台灣省水污染防治所研究劃定水區並陸續公告,但目前並無一套完整的標準程序來劃定台灣河川水體,本研究收集國內外水體劃分之資料加以整理分析,針對目前台灣河川水體之劃分擬定一套標準作業程序。 綜合各國考慮的因素,河川水體劃分之標準作業程序應包括1.基本資料收集分析、2.現地勘查、3.水體分類檢討、4. 研商會議、公告草案及公聽會、5.公告程序等步驟。其中,水體分類檢討,考慮的因素應包括背景水質、水體特性、水資源利用情況、民眾接受度、下游用水情況、法規規定、污染源分布及用途可達成性等八大項。 以四重溪為研究案例,依據水區之背景水質、水體特性、水資源利用情況、民眾接受度、下游用水情況、法規規定、污染源分布及用途可達成性加以分析,建議四重溪流域河段劃分為(1)發源地至牡丹水庫大壩(2)牡丹水庫大壩至出海口及(3)大梅溪支流等三河段。考量水體用途及水質保護目的,將發源地至牡丹水庫大壩劃定為甲類水體。將牡丹水庫大壩至出海口劃化定為乙類水體。將大梅溪劃定為乙類水體。


At the present, there are 24 and 92 rivers commanded by central and local governments respectively, in Taiwan. Mostly of rivers commanded by central government were classified and announced water districts by Taiwan Water Pollution Control Institute in 1981. However, there is not a standard procedure to class the river in Taiwan. This study collected and analyzed data of classification of water body in stream from domestic and abroad to set up a standard operation procedure of river classification in Taiwan. Integrating experiences from other countries, the Standard Operation Procedure for the zoning of water body in stream should include: 1. basic data collection and analysis, 2. on-site inspection, 3. classification and review on body of water, 4. consultation, draft announcement and the public hearing, 5. announcement procedure and so on. According to the information of water quality, the characteristics of rivers, water resources utilization, the public acceptance, the water use situation of downstream, the regulations of basin, pollution sources analysis and reachable situation, the water districts of Sihchong river were classified. It was recommended that from the place of origin to Mudan reservoir dam (including Ru Jeng river and Mudan reservoir) is classified as category A of water body; Mudan reservoir dam to estuary (including Chu Sheh river) and Da Mei creek are classified as category B of water body.


14. 陳春琴,「標準作業程序於醫院品質改善之應用以個案醫院檢驗部為
1. 全國法規資料庫,http://law.moj.gov.tw/,(2011)。
2. 行政院環境保護署全國環境水質監測資訊網,http://wqshow.epa.gov.tw/,(2011)。
3. 經濟部水利署水文水資源資料管理供應系統,http://gweb.wra.gov.tw/wrweb/,(2011)。
4. 經濟部水利署水權資訊網,https://wr.wra.gov.tw/WaterPublicNew/default.aspx,(2011)
