  • 學位論文


Construction of Enterprise Strategy Map Using Business Diagnosis Methodologies - a Case Study of E Company

指導教授 : 林均燁


個案公司是一間成立三十餘年由貿易起家的鋼鐵製管廠。生產設備-高週波焊管機,是在貿易時期與主要的供應商所購置的二手設備。早期與中鋼共同研發的特殊材質深受市場好評,進而獨占部份自行車的零件市場,如今卻不敵大環境及消費者需求的改變,以致於曾經優越的地位,也只能紛紛被取代。在經歷了自行車的興盛與衰退,為求永續經營且滿足市場需求,逐步轉型至汽車、機車業,因此管件品質規範也日趨嚴謹。 個案公司業務人員在接收客戶新品詢問、緊急訂單、訂單設變及取消等相關問題時,常面臨產銷協調上的問題,過程中二方協調者因立場不同而導致協調上的瓶頸。因此相關人員皆忙於善後,以致於無法立即回饋客戶訊息,因而產生許多衍生成本,最終造成訂單交期延宕及引發客戶抱怨,進而客戶滿意度未能提升。 本研究宗旨在透過PEST分析、五力分析、SWOT分析等產業分析方法,加上研究者長期觀察及半結構式訪談內容,進而導出個案公司的戰略地圖。此藍圖是以戰略地圖四構面為基本範疇,逐步由上而下、由下而上地建構支撐組織發展目標的模式! 任何的改善皆應以客戶為基石向外延伸、展開,如要達到組織及客戶雙贏則必須以人員培訓為主軸,唯有適時、適切的人員培訓才能應付內部的改善流程,屆時提供的產品及服務使客戶滿意度提升,縱使售價不變,滿意的客戶必能回流造成訂單增加、再加上管理成本低減,促使個案公司達成擬訂的財務成長目標:淨利由6%提升至8%的目標!


The case company is a steel-pipe manufacturing factory that started more than 30 years ago. Production equipment - electric resistance welding method (ERW), is a set of used equipments purchased from major suppliers during the trade period of the company’s early stage. The special materials early developed with CSC were highly praised by the market, and they then monopolized part of the bicycle parts market. Today, they have lost out on the changes of the environment and consumer demand, so that it lost the once superior position, and has been replaced by others. After going through the boom and decline of bicycles markets, and in order to pursue sustainable business and meet market demands, it has gradually transformed into the automobile and motorcycle industries. As a result, pipe product quality specifications have become increasingly stringent. When the case company’s business personnel receives relevant questions such as new customer inquiries, urgent orders, order changes, and cancellations, they often face coordination problems between production and marketing segments in the company. During the process, both of the coordinators have bottlenecks in coordination due to different positions. Therefore, the relevant personnel are all busy with the aftermath, so that they cannot immediately respond to customer. As a result, many derivative costs are generated, eventually delaying the delivery of orders and inducing complaints from customers. As a result, customer satisfaction has not been improved. The purpose of this study is to derive the strategic maps of the case company through PEST analysis, five-force analysis, SWOT analysis and other industrial analysis methods, plus long-term observations by researchers and semi-structured interviews. This blueprint is based on the four components of the strategic map, going through top-down and bottom up process to build up support model for the organizational goals! Any improvement should be extended further based on the customers’ need as the cornerstone. To achieve a win-win situation for both of the organization and the customer, staff training must be the major pivot of any organizational strategy. Only timely and appropriate trainings can cope with the internal improvement process. Then, the improved products and services quality will increase customer satisfaction, Even if the price could not be changed, satisfied customers will to return and orders will be increased. Along with a lower management cost, the case company cay hopefully achieve the proposed financial growth goals: of net profit increasing from 6% to 8%.


[1]Kaplan, R. S., and Norton, D. P., 策略地圖:串聯組織策略從形成到徹底實施的動態管理工具(陳正平等譯),臉譜出版,台北(2004)。
