  • 學位論文


Relationships between Landscape Spaces of Hayao Miyazaki's Animated Scenes and Emotional Experiences: A Case Study of Spirited Away

指導教授 : 歐聖榮


一直以來,人類為將腦中欲表達之內容呈現出來,會嘗試透過許多種表現形式陳述出來,包含肢體語言、圖像、文字等媒介傳遞內容。表述時可將之分為表述什麼及如何表述,此概念亦可被稱之為「敘事」。從敘事角度來看,電影場景作為表述方式,其所傳遞的情緒則做為表述內容。宮崎駿為世界知名的動畫大師,其透過動畫電影及想像的風景,傳遞想表達之思想與情感。在其動畫電影中,常透過空間場景與劇情之連結,使觀賞者產生情感上的共鳴。因此本研究主要目的在探討宮崎駿動畫場景與故事情緒之關係;此外藉由研究亦希望瞭解觀賞者之基本背景屬性不同及不同觀賞方式,是否會影響其對本研究代表性受測電影畫面之情緒感受。為達研究目的,本研究採用含有質性及量化內涵的兩階段研究方法。 在第一階段研究中,透過質性訪談得知,受測者反應的生氣、感動、悲傷與開心的情緒,主要受電影故事事件影響;而放鬆、平靜、驚險與緊張的情緒,則是受到電影畫面中之視覺元素影響。在此階段,研究亦利用焦點團體法挑選出八張代表上述八種情緒的受測電影畫面,以做為第二階段量化調查的依據。 在第二階段研究中,本研究依據研究架構與假設,擬定問卷及執行問卷調查,共獲得172份有效問卷。量化調查分析結果顯示,受測者背景屬性不同,其對受測場景之情緒感受皆無顯著差異。受測者在「平靜」與「放鬆」情緒上較易混淆,其他情緒皆無明顯差別。解析宮崎駿動畫場景與故事情緒之關係可知,生氣、感動、悲傷與開心的情緒,表現形式是透過人物圖像細緻描繪,並由其他設計原則輔助加強視覺效果;而放鬆、平靜、驚險與緊張的情緒,則是藉由場景動態與背景動畫等畫面空間與構圖手法等設計原則呈現。 本研究證實宮崎駿的電影具有其特殊之敘事模式,成功地傳達出所欲表達的劇情、場景與情緒給予觀賞者。本研究結果可運用於空間創意設計上,設計者可參照本研究結果,將四項場景設計原則轉換並運用於景觀設計發想上,以創造出不同情緒體驗之景觀空間。


In our daily lives, we use various descriptive ways or to express our thoughts whether it be through, body language, images, or words. The concept includes expression dimension and content dimension, in terms of how and what to describe. This is also called "narrative". From the viewpoint of narratives, the movie scene is the descriptive method and the emotion transmitted is the descriptive content. Hayao Miyazaki is a famous animation master in the world. He expresses his emotions and thoughts through animated films. In his film, the spatial scene not only links with the story line, but also leaves the observers with a certain emotional resonance. The purposes of this study are to understand the relationship between animated scenes of Hayao Miyazaki and the emotions generated from the animated scenes, and whether the different backgrounds and viewing ways of viewers can still the same emotion from the animated scenes. For research purposes, this study consists of two parts, both qualitative and quantitative research. In the first step, the study used depth interviews to obtain the required data. The results showed that angry, moved, sad and pleased were more influenced by the events shown in the animation, while calm, relaxed, nervous, and thrilling were more influenced by visual elements in the animation. This study used focus group to select the eight typical scenes to represent the eight emotions. The selected scenes make up the quantitative portion of study, by way of a Close-ended questionnaire. In the second step, 172 valid questionnaires from subjects such as the public were obtained by questionnaire. The result showed that there is no significant difference between the background of viewers and emotions generated from the animated scenes. Calm and relaxed were the most commonly confused emotions while other emotions were not. The results of Hayao Miyazaki's narratives showed that angry, moved, sad, and pleased were more expressed by the detailed images of characters in the animation, and used other principles to increase visual effects, while calm, relaxed, nervous, and thrilling were more expressed by dynamic scenes and background animations and layout in the scene. We find that Hayao Miyazaki has his own special narrative method, and is also capable of successfully communicating the desired plots, scenes and emotions. The results of the study can be used in a creative way. Landscape designers can reuse and transform four principles of landscape design to create different emotional experiences.


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(3)Donald A. Norman著,王鴻祥、翁鵲嵐、鄭玉屏、張志傑譯, 2011,《情感@設計:為什麼有些設計讓你一眼就愛上》,臺北,遠流出版。
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