  • 學位論文


Investigation of the Use of Information Technology Products of Children in Public Preschools in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 蘇秀枝


本研究目的旨在瞭解中部某公立幼兒園幼兒使用資訊科技產品之情況與目的,並探討不同變項對幼兒使用資訊科技產品之差異情形。本研究採自編問卷進行問卷調查,以中部某公立幼兒園3-6歲幼兒之家長作為研究對象,總共發出382份問卷,回收有效問卷290份,回收率約76%,以描述性統計、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定和單因子變異數分析等方法進行統計分析。研究結果如下: 一、幼兒使用資訊科技產品之情況 「電視」為幼兒最常使用的產品,55.9%的幼兒每週觀看電視「一週6-7天」,以假日觀看電視的時間最久,平均每日173.29分鐘,使用時機以「孩子無聊時使用資訊科技產品為最多」。 二、幼兒使用資訊科技產品之目的 幼兒使用資訊科技產品的目的以「休閒娛樂」為最多,其次為「學習行為」。 三、不同背景變項的幼兒對使用資訊科技產品的情況與目的之差異情形 (一)女生較常使用「平板電腦」進行「學習行為」。 (二)「5足歲以上」幼兒有觀看電視的比率和頻率高於3足歲-未滿5足歲,也較常以平板電腦進行休閒娛樂。 (三)家長年齡「35歲以下」的幼兒使用智慧型手機的頻率、時間高於家長「36歲以上」的幼兒,且較常在「睡前」、「吃飯時」、「無聊時」使用資訊科技產品。 (四)母親學歷在「專科以下」的幼兒平日觀看電視和假日使用平板電腦的時間高於母親學歷「大學 (含)以上」的幼兒,且較常在「無聊時」使用資訊科技產品;母親學歷「大學(含)以上」的幼兒,較常以電腦進行「學習行為」。 (五)家庭總收入「4萬-未滿6萬」的幼兒使用電腦的種類、頻率、時間高於家庭總收入「未滿4萬」和「6萬以上」的幼兒;家庭總收入在「6萬以上」的幼兒,較常以電視和平板電腦做為休閒娛樂;家庭總收入在「4萬-未滿6萬」的幼兒較常以智慧型手機進行社交行為。 (六)家中擁有資訊科技產品的幼兒使用資訊科技產品的種類、頻率高於家中沒有資訊科技產品的幼兒;家中擁有「電視」、「電腦」、「平板電腦」的幼兒使用該資訊科技產品的時間較長;家中擁有智慧型手機的幼兒較常在「大人聚會時」使用資訊科技產品,家中擁有平板電腦的幼兒較常在「無聊時」使用資訊科技產品。 (七) 擁有專屬電腦、智慧型手機、平板電腦的幼兒使用該產品的比率、頻率與時間高於沒有擁有專屬產品的幼兒。 最後,根據研究發現與結論,本研究對幼兒家長、教保服務人員與政府教育機關及未來從事相關研究者,提出具體建議,以供參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the status and purpose of use of information technology products of children at public preschools in central Taiwan, and to compare background variables and use of information technology products of young children. This study used questionnaires to survey parents children aged 3 to 6 years old attending public preschool in central Taiwan. Totally, 382 questionnaires were sent out, with 290 valid questionnaires. The response rate was 76%. The methods of descriptive statistics, chi-squared test, t-test, and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the collected data. The findings of the study are described as follows: 1. Use of information technology products of young children Television was the most frequently used product of young children, with 55.9% children watched television 6-7 daysper week. They spent more time watching television during weekend, with an average of 173.29 minutes per day. Young children watched TV mostly when they were bored. 2. Purpose of Using information technology products Young children used information technology products for entertainments and leisure activities, followed by learning. 3. Relations between background variables, and status and purpose of use of information technology products (1) Girls used tablets for learning more often than boys. (2) More children over 5 years old watched television and more frequently than children aged 3-5 years old; children over 5 years old also used tablet for entertainment than younger children. (3) More children with parents aged 35-year-old and below used smart phones with higher frequency and amount of time (especially before sleep, having a meal, or feeling bored) than children with parents aged 36 years old and above. (4) Young children with maternal education of junior college and below spent more time watching TV during weekdays and using tablet during weekends than children with maternal education of university education and above. Young children with maternal education of junior college and below often used information technology products when feeling bored. Children with maternal education of university education and above were more likely to use computers for learning. (5) Children with monthly familyl incomes of 40,000-60,000 NT dollars used computers more frequently and longer periods of time than children with monthly family incomes of below 40,000 and above 60,000 NT dollars. Children with monthly family incomes of 60,000 NT dollars and above were more likely to watch TV and use tablets for entertainment and leisure activities. Children with monthly family incomes of 40,000-60,000 NT dollars were more likely to use smart phone for social interactions. (6) Children with information technology products at home used more frequently than children without information technology products at home. They spent more time watching TV and using computers and tablets. Children with smart phones in the family used information technology products more often in adults’ gatherings. Children with tablets in the family used information technology products more often when feeling bored. (7) Children who had personal television, computer, smart phone and tablet had a higher percentage using them with higher frequency and amount of time than children who did not own those products.


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