  • 學位論文


Action Research on Implementing PBL in Fifth Grade Energy Education

指導教授 : 王為國 王文裕


本研究旨在以問題本位學習(PBL)方式,規劃設計並實施適合國小五年級學生的能源教育課程,並希望透過應用PBL,教師藉由學校所面臨真實的能源問題呈現、情境的模擬,讓學童經由合作與討論的方式,在其現有的知識基礎上,瞭解並決策所欲建構的知識範圍,進而實踐其所決定解決問題的點子,以培養國小高年級學童對問題思考與解決問題的能力,提升其能源方面的素養;並經由教學實務經驗,探究分析其實施歷程中所遭遇之困難、解決方法及結果,評估其教學成效,最後探究教師實施PBL能源教育課程的自我省思及專業成長。 本研究以質性研究為主,採行動研究法,以南投縣某國小五年級一個班級共27位學童為研究對象,研究者本身為主要研究工具,透過觀察、訪談、課程活動紀實、學生作品、教師手札與文件紀錄等資料進行質性研究,輔以學生自評、小組互評等量化資料進行分析與檢證。最後將上述研究發現綜合歸納,提出以下之結論: 一、在以節約能源為學習主題之PBL能源課程之規劃設計中,搭配行動方案之實踐,並輔以多元化教學活動,可自然統整各學習領域,促使學生運用及發展多元智慧與能力。 二、進行PBL能源教育教學時,給予小組討論充分的時間,並以思考教學、圖像組織教學為輔助學習策略,提供思考提示單引導,可改善學生思考力不足、教師引導角色轉換不易之困境;討論時運用大張可重複書寫海報紙作紀錄紙,並以圖像組織(心智圖、概念圖)呈現,可改善學生記錄過慢、發表困難之困境;結合理論與實務,終以發展節電宣導行動方案,並具體實踐來呈現學習成果,使得生活周遭的能源問題得以真實解決。 三、透過PBL能源教育課程,能增進學生對節約能源的認知、情意以及實踐行動,提高學生對能源科學的學習動機和興趣,培養解決能源問題的能力,並且也會延伸應用去解決其他生活中的問題。 四、透過PBL能源教育課程,學生能發揮資料蒐集的能力,展現合作的學習態度,增進個人的學習成就感與學習動機,並能培養學生解決問題之思考、組織、策略規劃及執行的能力。但PBL課程對學生而言,學習挑戰性高。 五、教師的自我省思與專業成長,包括: (一)教師成為學生的學習鷹架工程師、課程運作的導航者。在「以學生為中心」的教育理念下,讓師生彼此學習尊重、互助合作與欣賞。但是PBL對教師教學挑戰性大,教師需具備更加深厚的教學能力及臨機應變能力。 (二)學生解決問題能力的培養須循序漸進的學習,對PBL初學者應重視其能力的培養,更甚於知識的累積。 (三)教師透過PBL能源課程規劃設計歷程,提升了學科統整應用與教學的能力。 此外,研究者根據以上之研究發現與結論,歸納提出一些建議,以供教師個人、學校行政,以及後續研究者參考。 關鍵詞:問題本位學習、國小學童、能源教育、節約能源


This thesis aims at using problem-based learning (PBL) to design and introduce energy education suitable for fifth graders. Through the implementation of PBL, teachers can present the real energy problems that the school faces, and simulate scenarios, which will encourage the students to cooperate and discuss with each other based on their knowledge. This, in turn, will help the students to understand the problems better and enable them to come up with suitable solutions. Through this process, the students can improve their ability to ponder upon and solve problems, as well as learn effectively the use of energy. Furthermore, the hands-on teaching experience would also contribute to analyzing the obstacles during research. On the other hand, the use of PBL will also help the teachers to evaluate the results of their teaching and initiate self-reflection and encourage professional growth within the teachers. The current work is primarily based on qualitative method and adopts action research. The object of the study is a class of 27 fifth-graders in an elementary school located in Nantou County. The researcher is the main research tool. Analysis and inspection of quantitative information can be generated through conducting qualitative research on data, including observation, interview, records of in-class activities, students' works, teachers' journals and documentations, with support of student's self-evaluation and peer review. The following conclusions can be drawn from the findings of the present research- 1.The design of the PBL energy course aims to stress the importance of energy conservation. Coupled with practical mobile projects and diverse teaching activities, all disciplines of learning could be naturally organized and integrated, so that students become encouraged to use and develop their intelligence and capabilities. 2.While adopting PBL to energy education, teachers should provide adequate time to group discussion and employ learning strategy on thinking method and graphic organizer method. It improves the situations where students lack the ability to think and where teachers encounter difficulty to lead. During discussion, big rewritable poster papers were used to record the salient points and the results were presented in graphic organization format (mind map and concept map). Such graphic maps helped to improve situations where students were too slow to record or have difficulty in recording. It combined both the theories and practical implementation of energy saving by action plan to finally present the learning results.. 3.PBL energy education course can improve a student's knowledge on energy saving. Such course can also increase a student's learning motive and interest, enable the students to cultivate their ability to solve energy problems and to expand their ability to solve other problems in life. 4.PBL energy education course would enhance the data-collection ability of the students, induce a learning attitude in them, would teach the students to cooperate and to improve personal sense of accomplishment and learning motive. It would help the students to cultivate their thoughts on problem- solving as well as their ability to organize, plan strategy and execute. However, PBL courses are challenging to students with respect to learning. 5.Teacher's self-reflection and growth on profession include– (1)A teacher becomes a scaffold-builder in the students' learning and the navigator for course operation. Under the educational idea of "focusing on students," teachers and students can learn to respect, cooperate and appreciate each other. However, PBL is challenging to teachers from the teaching aspect, thus they are required to have strong ability to teach and adapt. (2)Student's ability to solve problems should be accumulated through gradual learning; for PBL beginners, they should focus on the cultivation of the ability instead of the accumulation of knowledge. (3)Teachers have improved their ability to integrate and implement teaching methods through the experience of designing PBL energy saving courses. Besides, the researcher has offered suggestions, based on the above research findings and conclusions, to the teachers, school and later to the researcher's reference. Keywords: problem-based learning, primary school students , energy education, energy saving




