  • 學位論文


Using Picture Books in Young Children’s Life Education─An Example of Tainan

指導教授 : 孫扶志


本研究旨藉由繪本故事的聆聽與思考教學,輔以角色扮演、體驗活動、學習單、科學實驗、勞作等活動,進行幼兒「人與己」、「人與人」及「人與環境」三面向的生命教育教學之協同行動研究,並探討以下問題: 一、如何設計出一套以繪本為主且符合現場教學之生命教育課程,並瞭解其實施歷程為何? 二、實施生命教育後,在幼兒身上有哪些成長與改變? 三、在運用繪本進行生命教育過程中,教師遇到的困難與解決策略為何?以及教師生命態度和專業知能成長有哪些? 研究者以一個中班為研究對象,透過十本繪本故事,設計一系列的生命教育教學活動,並針對教學錄影、省思札記、訪談資料、問卷、觀察紀錄表、幼兒作品及家長回饋單,進行成果分析,本研究獲得以下結論: 本研究課程教案架構為(一)引起動機─戲劇演出、簡單問答、教具運用(二)發展活動─繪本欣賞、思考教學(三)綜合活動─美勞創作、體驗活動、學習單、科學實驗(四)親子悅讀單;本研究特別重視教學前準備、教學課程內容的規劃與實施及教學後的檢討與改變,進而設計一套以繪本為媒介,幫助幼兒生命態度發展的課程。 透過生命教育繪本的教學、幼兒實際的反應與改變及量表與回饋單的分析,發現幼兒在生命教育「人與己」的自信力、勇敢力;「人與人」的尊重力、關懷力、合作力;「人與環境」的欣賞力、惜物力、應變力等八個生命態度皆有發展與改變。 在經過生命教育繪本教學的歷程,發現課程設計、幼兒先備能力、班級經營、家長配合度等四方面的困難,皆在思考與修正下逐步解決遇到的困難;在教學過程中,透過事前的規劃、教學的實踐和事後的省思,增進研究者以下三方面的專業成長,包括:生命教育的瞭解與重視有所提升、教師教育理念的體認與成長、研究者技巧的成長與收穫。 綜合上述研究結果,研究者分別針對生命教育實務教學、幼兒家長、未來研究提出建議。


幼兒園 生命教育 繪本


The aim of this study is to investigate teaching young children life education by reading and teaching picture books. The scope of research includes “people with me”, “people with people” and “people with environment”. The research questions as below: 1.How to design the picture books about children’s life education plan to match the teaching scene and understand the working process? 2.What has been grow and changed for children after the life education in the preschool? 3.What kinds of difficulties, strategies of solution, life attitude and professional knowledge growth shoud be faced by teachers during the life education courses with picture books? The research object is the middle class young children and gets a lesson about picture books reading and life education activities. The datas were collected by action research, role play activities, learning sheets, science experiments, interview, surveies, observations, children’s projects and parents’ feedback sheets to analyze the research questions. The result of research as below: 1.The class plan focused on (1) creating motivation; (2) reading picture books and thinking of teaching(four levels questions design) ; (3) extending activities ; (4)parents pleasure reading. The research emphasizes class preview, class plan, teaching practice, class evaluation and adjusting. Based on picture books, the researcher designed a class plan of life education to help children’s development of life attitude. 2. Based on the picture books of life education, children’s reflection and change, scale sheet and feedback, it has been found the development and change for the different levels of children’s life education. 3. Through the teaching process, the research faced the difficulties such as class plan design, children’s previous knowledge, parents and teachers’ relationship and has been solved. Moreover, this research also improved research’s knowledge of life education, teaching attitude, teaching skills and achievement. According the result, the researcher presented the suggestions for teaching practice, carers and future research plan.


Life Education Picture Books Preschool


