  • 學位論文


A Case study of School Reconstruction After 921 Earthquake in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 張子修


摘要 在全球化的趨勢下,伴隨都市化發展而來的是日益看重的城鄉差異,尤其在國民教育這方面,瞭解城鄉差距問題的本質及影響,更是改善及拉近城鄉差距之必要。結論之一921大地震洗禮,中部地區許多房屋、加油站、學校、警察局、電力公司、自來水公司等等倒塌損毀拆除重新建築,其中以重建學校更結合了社區風貌營造,所以本研究探討台灣中部921地震後城鄉學校建築重建差異之案例整理。 本研究之結論如下:(1) 921災後重建的城鄉學校有各種日式、歐式風格或特殊造型及融入周遭環境的校舍。(2)希望能藉此推廣綠建築的功用及未來的重要性,運用在學校建築裡;目的為省能源、資源、低污染,建立健康、環保居住環境且與大自然共同相處,讓學生有更舒適、更健康的校園生活。(3)鄉村學校施工多採用木作、竹作的本土建材裝潢,使用木材結構能夠顯著降低建築物在供暖和降溫時所需使用的能源;都市學校施工多以白色洗石子為主。


校園建築 校園重建 921地震


Abstract As a result of globalization in the past several decades, significant development differences have been often raised between urban and rural areas throughout the Taiwan region, among which it is especially severe in the hardware and software construction for elementary education facilities. Understanding the nature and impact of the differences are the first step and essential for improvement and narrowing the gap as to formulate a better development strategy for major metropolitan areas in Taiwan. The study was carried out on the basis of several selected rehabilitation projects for elementary schools in central Taiwan after the devastating 921 earthquake in 1999, in which event public buildings, including schools, gas station, police station, water and power lines, suffered severe damages throughout the central Taiwan region. Results of the study include the following:(1) unique design concept and construction technique can be developed and properly used to fit in the surrounding environmental elements for each individual school, (2) the ideal of ecological engineering such as energy saving, resource recycle, low pollution, is proved feasible and can be further promoted through public school construction projects to establish more comfortable, healthier and pro-environment campus for young students and general publics.


【23】 詹雅筑,醫學教育與殖民社會:由臺灣總督府醫學校的出現談起,
【1】 石昭永,建築物維修整建與合理生命週期之研究-以台南市國民小學為例,博士論文,國立成功大學,台南,2009。
【2】 古意盎然傳統與創新兼備-921震後重生的中科國小,2002。
