  • 學位論文


Medical Education and Colonial Society: A cast study based on Taiwan Sotokufu Medical School

指導教授 : 劉士永
共同指導教授 : 張崑將


總督府醫學校的出現,奠定了臺灣醫學教育在殖民地社會裡的特殊地位,也形塑了醫學生的價值、行為,乃至於社會風氣之丕變。是以,本論文將對此一主題做詳細的檢討,以進一步釐清殖民醫學教育與日治時期臺灣社會的互動關係。 在日本殖民臺灣以前,傳統的醫師團體難以稱其為專業組織,國家力量也甚少介入醫療行為。在乙未割台後,日本殖民政府以國家力量為主導,採中央集權模式,介入臺灣社會上相關的醫療活動。臺灣總督府更以文明教化、千萬生民之幸福為由,遂行殖民政策便利之實;即假「教化之恩」為由拓展醫學教育,兼及於宣揚殖民母國文明優越,合理化其統治之正當性。相對地,醫學校畢業生在殖民政府政府政策的安排下,逐漸成為臺灣社會經濟和教育的菁英;而以當時臺灣習醫風氣之熱烈,加上教育菁英有絕大多數都是醫師,不免造成世論臺灣菁英等同於醫學教育出身者的觀念。 接受殖民醫學教育,深受殖民文明觀與相關價值影響的臺灣醫師;當中或有熱衷於社會改革者,然亦不能排除殖民者所謂文明拓殖的影響。於是,1920年臺灣社會雖掀起一陣社會改革風潮,但身為改革前鋒的臺籍醫師們,仍舊承受著殖民者的蔑視,被迫面對殖民文明與醫學,終究只是殖民政府宣傳口號之事實。一部份醫師最終發現,要對抗的不是愚昧的臺灣社會,而是殖民加諸於其上的種種磨難與重重侷限。日本殖民醫學教育給予臺籍醫師們自尊與專業,但也侷限他們的角色在協助文明開化的殖民政策上。醫學教育在台灣社會的特殊地位,不僅僅在於確立了醫師的專業地位,事實上還決定了臺籍醫師與殖民社會矛盾的互動關係。


殖民醫學 醫學教育 臺灣


The beginning of Sotokufu Medical School laid an essential foundation to the modern education of medicine in colonial Taiwan, also shaped the value and social behavior of Taiwanese doctor as well as the society they served. This thesis aims to study the impact of the medical education in colonial Taiwan, focusing on the inter-relationship between the education of colonial medicine and Japan-ruled Taiwanese society. Before the Japanese occupation in 1895, the traditional doctor was hard to be called the professional and rare interference from the state to monitor the practice of medicine. After that, Japanese colonial government adopted a centralized system to control the medical practice and its professionals, which eventually changed the pattern of medicine in Taiwan. By taking the reason of “civilization”, Taiwan Sotokufu designed medical education to the Taiwanese as a gift of “mercy of teaching” and the excuse of colonization. Therefore, with the support from the colonial government, the doctor became the elite class in Taiwanese society from the perspectives of income and education. As medical education was the only elite education in colonial period, it was commonly accepted that the medical professional is definitely the elite. However, Taiwanese doctors from the system of colonial education also accepted the value of Japanese colonialist. Some Taiwanese doctors devoted to the social reform movements but still could not get rid off colonist influence. Even in the tide of 1920s social reform movement, Taiwanese doctors pioneered the movement but painfully faced the fact: the Japanese colonialism had no mercy on them and medicine was merely a tool of colonization. Finally, a small group of Taiwanese doctors realized that the stupidity in Taiwanese society was not their mission of enlightenment but the outrage from Japanese colonization was. Generally speaking, the unique contribution of medical education in colonial Taiwan was not only the establishment of medical practitioner the elite professionals, but also determined the dilemma inter-action between Taiwanese doctors and the colonial society.


colonial medicine medical education Taiwan




