  • 學位論文


Empowerment Effect Analysis of Energy Innovation to Enhance Teaching on Elementary School Teachers in Remote Areas of Energy Knowledge: Taking Taichung Sea-line for Example

指導教授 : 王文裕 白子易


想要解決能源問題,能源教育的實施,是最根本的解決之道。一套精闢合用的能源創新教材,更易讓國小教師迅速吸取能源相關知識。本研究利用問卷調查法,以台中市海線偏遠地區國小教師為施測對象。研究的目的在於分析國小教師使用增能教材前的先備知識,與使用後知識的提升程度。此教材的編寫者(高燕錚、陳淑芳、陳怡芸,2013)礙於人力、物力之限制,僅針對台中市大里區智類國小教師進行問卷調查,未能做全面性之研究。因此建議後來之研究者能夠進一步探討此教材對偏遠地區國小教師的能源知識提升成果。本研究即是根據此建議,針對臺中市海線偏遠地區國小教師進行研究並將研究結果透過 SPSS 18.0 版套裝軟體進行描述性統計分析和推論性統計分析,以瞭解前後測是否達顯著性差異。研究結果與發現如下: 1.國小教師在使用能源創新教材前於三個向度的平均答對率為再生能源(0.54)、非再生能源 (0.5)、節能減碳(0.6)及全部試題答對率為(0.55);國小教師經能源創新教材的使用後,在三個向度後測的平均答對率與全部試題答對率,分別提高到(0.85), (0.78), (0.91)及(0.85),皆顯示出明顯的增能提升。 2.由各面向的前測結果得知,皆有先備知識較為不足之處,其中再生能源向度以生質能的答對率最低僅0.47,非再生能源向度以傳統化石燃料答對率0.282最低,節能減碳向度中以日常生活節能答對率0.492為最低;經能源創新教材的學習後,此三個面向後測答對率分別提高為0.754、0.706、0.8,皆有顯著提升,顯示此能源創新教材對國小教師具增能成效。 3.以「成對樣本t 檢定」分析能源創新教材對國小教師各向度增能成效測驗結果,在各向度的平均數差異分別為-6.625,-5.794,-6.235,-18.294,可見後測平均得分均有提高。在前測對後測的得分t檢定中,無論哪一個向度顯著性雙尾值均為0.000 < 0.05,即表示國小教師經過能源教材學習後,其知識概念的增能成效皆有提升,也代表本增能教材,對國小教師提升能源的知識程度有所幫助。 4.在前後測成對樣本t 檢定中,各面向的平均數差異介於-0.500到-2.147之 間,顯示後測平均得分均有提高,且無論哪一個面向的顯著性雙尾值均< 0.05,表示國小教師透過能源創新教材學習後,對能源知識有明顯提升,前測與後測的得分具有明顯差異。 期望透過研究結果提出具體建議,供未來推廣相關教材做參考。


The most fundamental solution of the energy problem is the implementation of energy education. Elementary school teachers can rapidly absorb energy-related knowledge by using a brilliant combination of energy innovative teaching materials. The study is implemented through a questionnaire for elementary school teachers at Taichung City Sea-line in remote areas. The purpose of this study is to analyze the degree of progress between prior knowledge and using energy innovation teaching material by elementary school teachers. Findings and discoveries are as follows: 1. Before using renewable energy innovative teaching materials by elementary school teachers, the average of correct answers for three dimensions showed as follows: renewable energy was 0.54, non-renewable energy was 0.5, carbon reduction was 0.6 and all questions answered correctly was 0.55. After using renewable energy innovative teaching materials, the average of correct answers for three dimensions showed as follows: renewable energy was increased to 0.85, non-renewable energy was increased to 0.78, carbon reduction was increased to 0.91 and all questions answered correctly was increased to 0.85. These data were showed significant promotion. 2. The pre-test results for each dimension, there are lack of prior knowledge. The correct response rate of renewable energies dimension–“biomass energy” was 0.47, non-renewable energies dimension–“traditional fossil fuels” was 0.282, carbon reduction dimension–“daily life saving” was 0.492, suggesting that after using renewable energy innovative teaching materials, posttest correct rate of these three dimensions increased to 0.754, 0.706 and 0.8. It could be inferred that the learning effectiveness of the implementation of renewable energy innovative teaching materials was good. 3. The paired sample t test is applied to analyze the results of using renewable energy innovative teaching materials for elementary school teachers, which showed that the difference in the mean between various dimensions and total score of knowledge was -6.625, -5.794, -6.235 and -18.294. The means of the post-test were significantly higher. In addition, the two-tailed significance value of all the dimensions was 0.000 < 0.05, which shows the effectiveness of teacher's knowledge concept can have a significant improvement after using renewable energy innovative teaching materials. 4. The paired sample t test on the experimental group showed that the difference in the mean between the pre-test and post-test of various dimensions, total score of knowledge was between -0.500 to -2.147. The means of the post-test were significantly higher. In addition, the two-tailed significance value of all the dimensions was < 0.05, namely, after the implementation of the learning of renewable energy innovative teaching materials developed in this study, there was a significant difference in the mean scores between the pre-test and post-test. According to the research results, this study proposed specific suggestions as reference to relevant units and future studies for propaganda and promotion of relevant energy teaching materials.


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