  • 學位論文


A Study of Jute Fiber/ Biomass waste Reinforced Polypropylene (PP) Composites

指導教授 : 石燕鳳


本研究以塑譜儀將基材與補強材進行熔融混摻,基材為聚丙烯(Polypropylene, PP),補強材為黃麻纖維(Jute fiber)、紅麻粉(Kenaf powder)或稻殼粉(Rice husk powder),補強材添加量為20 ~ 40wt%。此外,由於補強材與聚丙烯間的相容性不佳,因此用矽烷偶合劑(3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane)對黃麻纖維進行改質,並添加馬來酸酐接枝聚丙烯(Maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene, MAPP)做為相容劑,以提升複合材料之機械性質與熱性質。經研究結果得知,黃麻纖維/紅麻粉添加量30 wt%之複合材料有較佳的性質,因此進一步製備添加30 wt%黃麻纖維/稻殼粉之複合材料進行比較。實驗結果顯示,複合材料中黃麻纖維與紅麻粉比例為1:3時會有較高的熱變形溫度(約在150.90~153.05℃),相較於黃麻纖維/稻殼粉複合材料,則是以黃麻纖維比例較多時會有較高的熱變形溫度。在拉伸與耐衝擊強度的部分,複合材料與純聚丙烯相較之下最高可提升達46.63%及61.86%。熱性質分析結果顯示,天然資材的添加皆有助於提升複合材料之耐熱性。並藉由顯微分析可得到證實,添加30 wt%天然資材時,黃麻纖維在聚丙烯中之分散性良好。研究結果顯示以黃麻纖維、紅麻粉或稻殼粉補強聚丙烯,可提升聚丙烯的耐熱及機械性質,且較含人造補強材之複合材料具環境友善性。也因此能有效應用紅麻或稻殼之廢棄物,而可以降低農業廢棄物累積量及材料成本。


In this study, the matrix and reinforcements were melting blended to obtain the composites. The matrix was polypropylene (PP), and the reinforcements were jute fiber, kenaf powder or rice husk powder. The addition amount of reinforcements were 20 to 40 wt%. In addition, the jute fiber was modified by silane coupling agent (3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane), and maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene (MAPP) was added as compatibilizer to improve the compatibility between reinforcements and PP, then enhanced the mechanical and thermal properties of the composites. The results reveal that the composites containing 30wt% of jute fiber/kenaf powder possessed the best properties. Moreover, the composites containing 30wt% of jute fiber/rice husk powder were prepared and compared with the jute fiber/kenaf powder ones. The results reveal that the higher heat distortion temperature (about 150.90 ~ 153.05 ℃) were obtained when the ratio of jute fiber and kenaf powder is 1: 3. However, the heat distortion temperatures of jute fiber/rice husk powder composites were increased with increasing content of jute fiber. The tensile and impact strengths of the composites could be increased about 46.63% and 61.86% as compared with those of pure PP. The results of thermal analysis reveal that the heat resistance of the PP was improved by the addition of the reinforcements. Microscopic analysis indicate that the dispersion of jute fiber in the matrix was well when the composites containing 30wt% of reinforcements. As well as enhancing the mechanical properties and thermal stability, the reinforced composites are more environmentally friendly than the artificial additive-reinforced ones. The waste from the kenaf and rice husk is effectively reduced and re-used, and the cost of materials can be reduced.


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