  • 學位論文


Study of Interface Management for Construction Projects of Taiwan Water Company

指導教授 : 張子修


在自來水工程中機電工程與土建工程中,不論是機電工程或土建工程業者,對於本身的專業工程都能依其專業施工,但由於系統種類及工項繁多,各種管路佈設方式各有其獨特性,設置地點遍及建築物各處廣泛而複雜,未做妥善整合時經常出現界面管理的問題,導致變更設計、拆除重做、工期延宕以及品質不佳之狀況發生。 本研究將藉以台灣自來水公司之實際工程案例,就設計及施工兩個階段所產生的界面問題,加以分析、歸納,在設計階段的界面問題管理及施工階段現場解決方式,並從工程案例中所得到的經驗及教訓提出結論與建議,在自來水公司與廠商間在圖說送審階段施工圖能將設備位置、管路高程與建築物空間正確套繪,施工階段承商對於各項機械設備檢驗時程事先擬定,對人力調配及工程進度能有效的管控,期望能減少自來水工程履約爭議,進而使工程的進度更為順利及有效的提升工程品質。


In recent decades, the content of construction projects in running water supply system has become much more complicated due to the complexity in construction interface between civil engineering and electrical/electronic engineering during the construction process. Unique technology characteristics and specification of each job items included in terms of function and locations of facilities and equipment added an extra importance in dealing with the construction interface issues. Failure or in-sufficiency in construction interface management very often lead to server delay and poor construction quality such as design revision and/or redo of the construction. The study was conducted with the use of practical construction projects of Taiwan Water company in the recent past. Data related to construction interface were collected and analyzed to identify and investigate the problems and difficulties in the interface management of the studied water supply system. Results of the study indicated that persistent communication and coordination between the designer and contractor regarding the location of piping system and electrical equipment, accurate overlay of design and construction drawings are essential and critical to ensure a more smooth and effective construction schedule and satisfied construction quality. In addition, intensive preview and discussions of construction interface and between all parties are also necessary to avoid waste of man-power and interface disputes during the progress of the construction at different phases.


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