  • 學位論文


The Impact of Customer Relationship Management and Leadership Style on Customer Satisfaction

指導教授 : 林有志


創業活動已成為全球趨勢,對國家經濟而言,有助於維持社會經濟的活力與效率,並能啟發新思維與創業策略,對個人而言可以充分發揮個人潛能並實現願景,在台灣的創業活動以中小企業為居多,約有133萬家,佔全部企業家數97%。然而創業領導風格與顧客關係的管理和顧客滿意度之間關係值得探討,領導者的個人風格去引導顧客對於商家的滿意度,有無差異影響,本研究針對中部青年創業家為研究對象,透過深入探討,研究現行顧客關係管理與創業領導風格之影響,進而提出相關建議。其主要目的為瞭解顧客關係與創業領導風格對顧客滿意度的影響。 最後資料分析結果顯示41歲以上的創業者對自己的創業領導風格,顧客關係和顧客滿意度上較為重視。從教育程度分析創業者比例有百分之40.4%的創業者有大學學歷為最多。從行業別統計分析,以服務業所佔的比例最高。創業者出資狀態以獨資所佔比例最高。在員工人數方面的數字統計分析,顯示創業者皆為中小企業最多。最後本研究統計結果發現,H1、H2、H3之假設成立。


Entrepreneurial activity has become a global trend. It can help maintain the vitality and efficiency of social economy and stimulate new ideas and entrepreneurial strategy. For enterprising individuals, it is a way to use their talent and achieve the vision. SMEs are the majority of entrepreneurial activity in Taiwan. There are approximately 1.33 million companies and it accounts for 97% of entrepreneurs. However, the relation of entrepreneurial leadership style, customer relationship management and customer satisfaction is worth exploring. This study explores significant influence of leader's personal style toward customer satisfaction. The young entrepreneurs in central Taiwan are chosen as study subjects. This study gives the suggestions base on effects of customer relationship management and entrepreneurial leadership style. The main purpose of study is to understand the impact of customer relationship and business leadership style toward customer satisfaction. The result showed that entrepreneurs who over 41years old attached more importance to entrepreneurial leadership style, customer relationship management and customer satisfaction. Also, 40.4% of entrepreneurs have a university degree. In industry type analysis, service industry gets highest proportion. Moreover, sole proprietorship gets highest proportion. Most of the participants are the owner of small and medium enterprise. Lastly, the study results indicate all hypotheses are proven.


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