  • 學位論文


Research on Public Transportation Engineering as the City Marketing Strategy - a Case Study of Taichung BRT

指導教授 : 張純莉


臺中市快捷巴士(簡稱臺中BRT)是臺灣位於臺中市轄區內之巴士快速交通系統。系統本身由臺中市政府交通局於胡志強市長任內時主導設計規劃,而臺中市政府也全額持股成立臺中快捷巴士股份有限公司統籌負責營運。這也是首次於臺灣道路行駛的雙節巴士以及第一個採用類似捷運車站的站外收費模式系統。 藍線優先路段於2014年7月27日開始營運,後來於林佳龍市長任內在2015年3月提出「優化公車專用道」方案,於2015年7月8日後BRT的雙節巴士改為300路公車,並與原本行駛同路線的一般公車共用BRT專用道,而BRT專用道則改成公車專用道。這等同於讓已經耗費新台幣數億元建造的臺中市快捷巴士計畫全面終止了,但結果如何實際上則還有待時間來驗證。 政策的重大轉彎突顯了前後任執政者對於公共交通工程建設有不同的思維模式,在臺中市的行銷發展上也顯見有截然不同的策略方針。本研究以此個案研究公共交通工程建設與城市行銷發展策略關係,說明如下: (一)實際以專業技術層面的角度,說明了BRT系統應有的建置精神以及與一般公車專用道的差異。 (二)參考各界資料及實地現場勘查,明確分析出過去臺中市建置BRT系統之不足和缺失、以及可能的改善方式。 (三)以城市行銷發展策略的思維,評估BRT建設所帶來可能發生的衝擊和影響,可供臺灣其他城市發展BRT的策略評估參考。 (四)本研究並希望能提供給後續研究者及執政者、相關施政單位之城市行銷發展策略參考。


Taichung Bus Rapid Transit, or Taichung BRT for short, is the bus rapid transit system located in the jurisdiction of Taichung, Taiwan. The system is designed and planned by Transportation Bureau of Taichung City Government during Mr. Jason Hu’s term as Taichung Mayor. With full ownership of the system, in year 2012, Taichung City Government established Taichung Rapid Transit Cooperation for system coordination and operation. This is the first time that articulated buses run on roads and that the government adopts the toll collection system similar to those of MRT. The Blue Line priority section has been operating since July 27th, 2014. In March, 2015, Taichung Mayor Lin, Chia-Lung proposed optimization approach for exclusive bus lane that the articulated buses are renamed Bus Route 300 and share the former BRT-only lane with other public buses. This approach amounts to entire termination on Taichung Bus Rapid Transit Program that has taken several billion NT dollars for system completion. Whether or not the approach manifests the lane optimization, time will tell. The significant change in policy highlights the different ways of thinking between the former mayor and the current in construction of mass transit systems. The study takes this case as an example to examine the relation between transit construction and marketing strategies for urban development as explained below. (A)With technical-professional perspective, the study explains the compulsory elements for BRT system and its difference with public bus-only lanes. (B)According to information from various sources and field inspection, the study analyzes the deficiencies and failures of previous Taichung BRT system and the feasible corrective measures to it. (C)Taking marketing strategies for urban development in perspective, the study accesses the possible impacts and influences that the BRT system may possibly bring. The assessment could be reference for later BRT system construction in other cities. (D)The study also hopes to be reference for researchers, those in power, and any relative executive units in following marketing strategies for urban development.


Taichung City City Marketing Mass Transit BRT


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