  • 學位論文


Reuse of Rural Settlement – Using Reuse of Huang Cuo in Fenyuan Village as An Example

指導教授 : 沈永堂


芬園村黃氏宗族過去曾是彰化縣芬園鄉最具影響力的家族,因來台開墾年代甚早,發展成相當規模之聚落,其建築材料使用了大量的土塊、竹編、紅瓦等建材,即所謂「土埆厝」,其中最具代表性的建物為祭祀供奉祖先的「黃家宗祠」。然而,隨著社會的變遷,聚落的生活水平無法與其他快速發展的都市相提並論,年輕族群向較多工作機會的都市靠攏,導致聚落人口不斷的外移,現住戶必須面臨閒置空間所衍生的各種問題,如建物荒廢、環境髒亂、治安死角等,而忽略了原本應該受到保存的聚落文化及建築空間。故如何將在地農村建築活化,配合地方文化與聚落精神的重現,使舊有的建築空間發揮其應有之價值,是本設計探討之核心。 本設計分為兩個部分探討聚落精神的活化,一則藉由收集農村的文史回顧及舊有建築的文獻資料,了解不同時期的建築空間及生活行為模式,並透過「場所精神」文獻中的理論,觀察聚落空間的本質,從保障原住戶的居住權及保留舊有建築群之樣貌著手,透過設計概念「流」、「透」、「敬」、「藏」等手法,整合新舊的閒置空間,打造聚落新意象;二則透過實地訪查及訪問當地耆老等方式,將關於聚落及建築之各項基本資料作為設計基礎,經由實質分析與問題改善對策的模擬,重新規劃建築機能及再利用的模式,並結合在地生活需求及未來發展可及性,成為具有前瞻性之聚落。 最後本設計提出「永續聚落」的概念,透過建築空間的重新塑造,讓原本居住於此之居民擁有優質的居住品質及良好的生活空間。於管理維護層面上,結合聚落觀光及農業銷售等商業行為,利用農產品市集的方式,為在地小農提供一個推廣及銷售的平台,宣傳當地之農特產品。於文化教育推廣層面上,與附近的國中小進行整合性教學,經由實地教學之方式認識在地文化,並藉由居民導覽重新認識地方事物,喚醒對在地的認同感。經由上述各點持續發展,成為一個永續成長的聚落。


場所精神 再利用 農村聚落


Fenyuan the Huang’s used to be the most powerful family in Fenyuan township of Changhua county. They reclaimed and came to Taiwan in the very early time, so Huang Family had developed to a great scale of settlement. The building materials of Huang Family included lots of clods, straw weaving bamboo and red tiles, and this kind of building is also called “Adobe brick house”. The most famous one is “Huang’s Ancestral Hall”, where descendants pay religious homage to their ancestors. However, the changes of the social civilization and living standard in country couldn’t compete with other rapid gross cities. It not only made young generation prefer to work in advanced cities, but also caused the low population rate in Fenyuan. These causes forced people there to face some serious deserted space problem, such as abandoned constructions, dirty environment and a dead corner of public security. The problem blurred the importance of preservation to culture in settlement cluster and architectural space. Therefore, how do we reuse of local rural buildings and reappear of local culture and spirit to sparkle buildings’ original value, is the main core of this design. The design is divided into two parts to discuss the activation in cluster spirit .One is by collecting rural historical review and original architectural data to understand rural architectural space and way of lifestyle. Using the theory in “GENIUS LOCI” observed the essence of cluster space, and started from guaranteeing the right of aboriginal inhabitants and conserving original building outlook. The design concept expresses the way of “flow”, “transparence”, “respect” and “spot” to integrate diverse deserted space and build up the new impression. Second is by interviewing locals to gather cluster and architecture related data as a foundation. It becomes a model of cluster settlement by imitating actual analysis, suggested strategy, reassessment function and reuse to reach the goal of local living standard and future development. The design advocates the concept of “sustainable settlement” by remodeling architectural space to let inhabitants have better living quality. As the maintenance part, it should target on tourism and agricultural promotion to provide a platform for local farmers. For culture part, it is suggested to link with schools in neighbor to train in deeper knowledge of history for guiding. This method not only can allow locals to know more about its own culture, but also can arouse people’s sense of identity to local culture. Through continuous carrying out the above ways, this valuable settlement will have a stable growth and development.


reuse rural settlement genius loci


11.林昆範、謝佩芯,2009,"角板山國際雕塑公園場所精神之特質研究",設計學報 14(1),pp.43-61.
