  • 學位論文


The effects of gender and glovebox gloves on hand and forearm muscle fatigue during sustained grip exertions

指導教授 : 宋鵬程


在各種工作場合中,作業人員所面對的是多類型且複雜的手工具及設備,所以人們常穿戴手套來保護手部。手套能保護工人以避免手部受傷(擦傷、割傷、刺破等),但也會對任務完成時間、手部觸感、力量、靈巧度和運動範圍等造成不良影響。而且戴不同的手套通常會導致握力減少5-30%,使得工人需要以更大的握力來完成工作,因而造成手部及背部的負擔,更易導致上肢累積性工作傷害(Cumulative Trauma Disorders, CTD)。 本研究使用握力計及肌電訊號量測模組,收集12位女性之相關資訊,於不同手套類型(徒手與穿戴Butyl、Hypalon與Neoprene材質)、厚度(0.015 inch及0.03 inch)及不同施力程度(25%、50%、100%最大自主施力) 下,調查握力值、最大握持時間、前臂肌群肌電訊號(Electromyography, EMG)並比較不同的手套材質、厚度、及施力狀況,對手部疲勞及前臂肌肉疲勞之影響。 結果顯示,穿戴較厚(0.03 inch)手套的手部疲勞值較穿戴較薄(0.015 inch)的手套大。手套對最大自主施力之握力值有顯著影響,Butyl (0.015inch)手套削弱握力最少而Hypalon (0.03inch)削弱握力最多。在最大維持時間方面,施力程度為25%最大自主施力時,手套對最大維持時間會有顯著性的差異,其時間以Butyl (0.015inch)手套可維持最長時間,而Neoprene (0.03inch)手套之維持時間為最短。本文建議作業時若需要穿戴手套進行手部作業,Butyl (0.015inch)手套為最適合手套。在前臂肌肉疲勞方面,使用頻譜與振幅合併分析方法(Joint analysis of EMG spectrum and amplitude, JASA)分析之結果顯示,當施行%MVC握力越大時,其達到疲勞的程度也越快。實驗結果在100%MVC握力時, JASA方法分析之結果,比例多數落於第四象限,明顯的顯示肌肉疲勞。以厚度而言,不論厚(0.03 inch)及薄(0.015 inch)手套皆造成前臂肌肉處於力量降低及肌肉疲勞的影響,但以厚的在JASA方法分析之結果,比例較高。以材質而言,Neoprene材質所造成的前臂肌肉疲勞最大。 關鍵字:性別、手套、握力、肌電訊號、持續握持時間、手部疲勞、前臂肌肉疲勞


Industrial workers may need to use gloves and maintain sustained gripping exertions for manual operations. Sustained gripping has been found implicated as a risk factor for fatigue by incremental muscle activity (contraction). Wearing gloves can protect workers in order to avoid hand injury (abrasions, lacerations, puncture, etc.). However, gloves have been shown to affect task completion time, tactile sensation, force, dexterity, and range of motion. Reduced hand performances 5-30% and fatigue may lead to forceful exertions and awkward hand/wrist postures that have been recognized as risk factors associated with the development of Cumulative Trauma Disorders(CTDs) in the upper extremities. This study use grip dynamometer and electromyography (EMG) to evaluates the effects of glove material (butyl, hypalon, and neoprene), thickness (0.015 and 0.03 inch) and level of gripping exertion (25%, 50%, and 100% of the maximum voluntary grip exertion) on maximum endurance time (MET), hand and forearm muscle fatigue during sustained repeated gripping exertions. Twelve females participated in this experiment. The results show that thick (0.03 inch) glove increase hand fatigue compared to thin gloves (0.015 inch) glove. The 0.015 inch butyl glove yielded highest maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) grip strength while the 0.03 inch hypalon glove yielded the lowest MVC grip strength. For the 25% sustained gripping exertion, the endurance time of the 0.015 inch butyl glove is the longest while the endurance time of the 0.03 inch neoprene glove is the shortest. This paper recommended to use the most suitable 0.015 inch butyl glove during glovebox operation. For the forearm muscle fatigue, the Joint analysis of EMG spectrum and amplitude (JASA) analysis shows that the forearm muscles will fatigue sooner when performed higher %MVC exertions. For 100%MVC gripping exertions, JASA results show that major parts of the spectrum-amplitude pairs fall in the four-quadrant indicating forearm muscle fatigue. Wearing thick and thin gloves show that major parts of the spectrum-amplitude pairs of the forearm muscles fall in the muscle fatigue and strength reduction quadrants. JASA results show that both a glovebox gloves In the thickness, thickness (0.03 inch) and thin (0.015 inch) are caused by muscles in the forearm muscle fatigue strength and reduce the impact, but a higher proportion of thick. In the material Neoprene material also increase the forearm muscle fatigue. Keywords: gender, glove, grip strength, EMG, endurance time, hand fatigue, forearm muscle fatigue


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