  • 學位論文


The Effect of the Boarders’ Satisfaction by Dormitory Facilities and Management System –Evidence from One University in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 張鐵軍


由於台灣大學生家庭的居住條件不斷提升,進而衍生學生對住宿軟硬體的要求也日漸高漲,因此大學校內住宿條件是否能滿足學生的需要,成為關注的焦點。本研究主要探討大學住宿生,對學生宿舍硬體設施及管理制度滿意度之現況,宿舍硬體設施三大構面分為「基本功能」、「延伸功能」、「附屬功能」;宿舍管理制度三大構面分為「管理措施」、「服務措施」及「安全及服務便利性」。 本研究以位於台灣中部的某大學住宿生為研究對象,以分層立意抽樣共發出問 550 份,回收有效問卷 375 份,有效回收率68%。研究結果顯示,宿舍硬體設施子構面三個因素中,以「基本功能」對顧客滿意度影響效果最為顯著,而「延伸功能」影響次之,顯示大學如欲提升學生對住宿滿意度,應積極改善學生住宿環境中基本功能設施(如床鋪、書桌、儲物空間、網路設施條件與房間內部空間大小等)。另外,在宿舍管理制度中,「服務措施」相關係數最高,表示個案大學如設立更符合住宿同學的期待之宿舍夜間門禁管制、點名制度、生活公約、樓層整潔、違規車輛的管理措施等,則對住宿滿意度將可有較大的提升。綜言之,針對大學宿舍硬體設施部份,應優先編列專案預算,以逐年淘換或整修方式,改善住宿生住宿之基本功能,但如因宿舍改建經費籌措不易下,建議可先由宿舍「管理制度」進行改善,以讓大學住宿生得到較符合學生期待的住宿管理措施。 關鍵詞:學生宿舍、宿舍硬體設施、管理制度、住宿滿意度


Due to the increasing improvement of living conditions of Taiwanese college students, it results in students’ greater demands for better software and hardware in the dormitory. Therefore, whether campus accommodation can satisfy college students’ needs has been the focus. This study aimed to investigate the college boarders’ approval rating of the hardware facilities and administrative management of the university dormitory. The hardware facilities included three perspectives: infrastructure, extended facilities, and affiliated facilities; dormitory management constitutes three parts: management measures, service measures, and security and service convenience. The participants in this study were some college boarders in one university in central Taiwan. Stratified purposive sampling was sent 550 questionnaires. Effective sample is 375 universities student responded. The results of the study showed that among the hardware facilities, infrastructure the most significant difference on satisfaction of university student and extended facilities took second place. Accordingly, the university could enhance the dormitory satisfaction by improving the infrastructure in the dormitory, such as the bed, the desk, the storage space, the network facilities and interior space. Furthermore, among dormitory management, service measures had the highest correlations. It indicated that the college could increase dormitory satisfaction by setting up entry control at night, required attendance, residence rules, the cleanness of the floor, and the management measures of illegal vehicle parking which met students’ expectations. In conclusion, in terms of university dormitory hardware facilities, budgets should be drawn up to improve infrastructure by eliminating or refurbishing hardware year by year. Nevertheless, given that the budget for dormitory refurbishment would not be allocated easily, dormitory management system could be first enhanced in order that university boarders could have the management measures meeting their expectations. Keywords: university dormitory, hardware facilities, dministrative management, dormitory satisfaction


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